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The severity of sin of raising (exciting) sedition

  • Publication date:   2016-08-29 11:28:31
  • Number of views:   494

Sedition means that some unbelievers, idolaters, obstinate and selfish people oppose the Invitation to Islam, the Prophet's mission, freedom and human rights and keep people in the darkness of polytheism and non- religion and sovereignty of other than Allah and the evil(Satanic) traditions and ignorance and superstition And close the gates of prosperity in this world and the Hereafter and perpetuate the wide spread corruption in human life and in doing so keep their Arrogant(Pharaonic) government and their domination over people’s lives and property while violating and plundering any rights.

Is there any wise person to be satisfied with such fomentation against the oppressed and the poor?

Considering the hazardous impacts and irrecoverable damage of sedition and fomentation the apparatus and layout of such disturbance and fuss must be dismantled from human life so that all the people involved in such sedition be released from any responsibility and commitment but before Allah and accede to his ordinance and Sovereignty, and religion should be only for Allah.

The command of such jihad, and fight with them until there is no more persecution is not with the infidelity and polytheism regarding belief and thought but this librating command is for the time when the infidels and polytheists of the world keep people in the captivity of their hellish policy and culture and curb the progress and development of Allah’s policy and culture and put the Muslims in hardship and pinch while plundering and violating their properties and mines so as to preserve their infidelity and polytheism by any means possible, this is where the necessity of Jihad becomes doubtless for the extinction and quenching of such sedition and the Jihad must be continued until complete elimination of sedition and the sovereignty of Allah.

Of course if the oppressors cease the oppression, and give up their outrageous and oppressive programs, and let the culture of truth progresses, and the ground for human freedom from domination and non- truth sovereignty be provided ,the Muslim should also let them go since oppression is not permitted except on the transgressors and oppressors.

It is important to note that sedition is the war against the culture of truth and the believers according to the verse. Therefore, we should avoid having this delusion that Why the command of jihad is issued against the infidels and unbelievers without their attack in the first place? Since in the afore-mentioned lines by referring to the verse Fight for the cause of God, those who fight you, but do not transgress, for God does not love the transgressors” it has been proved that Islam doesn’t have primary war but it has the defensive one. Sedition, indeed, is the start of an unfortunate war against the faithful people and the oppressed people of the world, therefore the faithful people should strive for Jihad so as to eliminate the sedition and get rid of the traitors and criminals.

Since killing is meant to murder an individual or the individuals, and effacing of apparent human life is what happens in the murdering by the Polytheists and unbelievers while effacing the felicity of human in this World and the hereafter is what occurs in sedition and fomentation. Sedition is considered worse than murder and its guilt is counted more severe by the Holy Quran.

A number of the exegetes interpret sedition as infidelity against the Allah Almighty since infidelity is the reason for corruption on the earth which this Sensual, evil (satanic) and idolatrous state will consequently force the unbeliever to oppress the people, stand against the freedom, their rights and faith as well cause turmoil, disorder and disorganization in human life and people will be deprived of happiness and prosperity by their sedition and such behavior is certainly worse than killing them and its guilt is too onerous and unpleasant

Surely the unbelievers measures to carry out their disbelieving works and to frighten the people specially the believers and causing fear and panic in their  hearts and taking hard on them to the extent that they abandon their land and seek refuge in another land so as to get rid of them is worse than murdering.


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