Friday 27th of September 2024
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The Beauties of Ashura: The Most Beautiful Choice

The reason that I chose the topic, “the Most Beautiful Choice”‌ is the answer Hazrat Zeinab gave to Ibn-e-Ziad’s hurtful remarks about Ashura. Expressing her viewpoints about Ashura, despite all atrocities committed against the Household of the holy Prophet (PBUH), Hazrat Zeinab said: “[In Karbala] I saw nothing, but beauty.”‌ The following verses explain some aspects of Ashura: Karbala has hidden a lot of secrets inside, Each time it reveals one, obstacles despite
The Beauties of Ashura: The Most Beautiful Choice

The reason that I chose the topic, “the Most Beautiful Choice”‌ is the answer Hazrat Zeinab gave to Ibn-e-Ziad’s hurtful remarks about Ashura. Expressing her viewpoints about Ashura, despite all atrocities committed against the Household of the holy Prophet (PBUH), Hazrat Zeinab said: “[In Karbala] I saw nothing, but beauty.”‌

The following verses explain some aspects of Ashura:

Karbala has hidden a lot of secrets inside,

Each time it reveals one, obstacles despite.

Karbala is like a vast ocean,

With waves extended to every direction.

A secret latent in every water drop,

A precious gem in each blood drop.

Hussein’s grave is there and from all over the world,

People pray for the peace of his soul.

After the death of Muawiya, Yazid wrote a letter to the ruler of Medina, “Call upon Hussein bin Ali, and Abdollah bin Zobeir and make them pledge allegiance to me as the next ruler. Kill them if they refuse and send me their heads to Damascus. Do the same about the people of Medina as well.”‌

Imam Hussein said that he would never accept Yazid as the ruler and did not fear Marvan’s threats. In return, he too called upon nineteen of his followers.

He did not accept Muhammad ibne Hanafiyah’s suggestion about hiding in Yemen or in the mountains and deserts either. “I would never pledge allegiance to Yazid, even if I have no refuge in the whole world,”‌ he insisted.
Prophet Muhammad told him in his dream, “God has appointed you a great place in the Heaven. You will enter the Heaven as a martyr.”‌

After that, he said goodbye to his mother at her grave and went to Mecca.

It was night time and a deadly silence prevailed,

He had tears in his eyes.

He was leaving, hearing his mother’s crying,

From the grave behind him.

This decision and this journey to Mecca was the starting point for the greatest revolution of the history.

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