Saturday 23rd of November 2024
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The characteristics of the companions of Mahdi (PBUH)

The characteristics of the companions of Mahdi (PBUH)

At the end of this section, we will name some of the characteristics of Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) companions extracted from the Ahadith:

In comparison with the 16th and 17th century, people tend to reach unity in today’s world due to human and Islamic knowledge and communications. They have the readiness to say the same, recognize the same and react in the same manner. Perhaps these communications have led us to Globalization (established by Imam Mahdi (PBUH) not by western countries).

His companions are 313 people from different races at first. They are the main staff of the global rising of Imam Mahdi (PBUH). Then, according to the Ahadith, their number will increase to the extent that besides those 313 people who are the main executives, the operative staff will include

His companions are 313 people from different races at first. They are 10’000 people, and finally the rising will become worldwide. As the Ahadith state, most of Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) companions are from the youth. His revolution is done by the youth, as changing the world could be done by them. In another Hadith, they are described as follows:

Their hearts are firm as iron; they fear nothing and will control the world rapidly and powerfully. They will pass a difficult examine, and the superiors of them are 313 people. Their reward is more than Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) companions; because they have never seen the Prophet (PBUH), their situation is more complicated, and resistance is more difficult at that time; nonetheless, they remain in the right path. One important thing that needs to be considered is that organizing the world won’t be simple; it requires patience and hard working. His companions will wear military uniform for a long time and eat little till they spread justice in the world. This era will be a beginning of difficulties for them, as it will be a beginning of comfort for others. It is basically a beginning of difficulties for Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) companions in order to achieve global justice. They have to dress simply, be respectful, and live in the lowest level among people. The comfort and welfare gained in Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) governorship does not belong only to the rulers, but to all the people. Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will live simply during his governorship.

There will be no compliment between Mahdi (PBUH) and other nations and he will do full justice to everyone. When he rises, he is not under oath of any corrupt ruler. It means that he is not responsible towards any previous government.
The content of the treaty between Mahdi’s (PBUH) and his companions
The last part of this article explains the content of a treaty between Mahdi (PBUH) and his followers. This treaty will glorify the magnificence and divinity of Mahdi’s (PBUH) rising, while it also merges great decisiveness and humanity. It should be noted that these purports are extracted from authentic Ahadith of Shia:

Mahdi (PBUH) will ask his followers to promise that they would not insult anyone, assault on anyone, or attack anyone’s house without getting permission during the great revolution. Usually in revolutions and croups, assaulting and attacks are often done and no pity is accepted; however, Mahdi’ (PBUH) revolution is different from other manmade systems.

Moreover, he will have his followers promise not to gather gold and silver for themselves; he wants the governors of the religious revolution not to proliferate their properties.

He obliges them not to use the orphan’s or the defenseless people’s wealth. He notifies them not to abuse their power to use the defenseless wealth.

He demands them not to wear expensive clothes or the one that is different from the others. He orders them not to rule people the way kings do, and to fight for the sake of Allah (SWT) with their most power and in a manner that the Almighty Allah (SWT) is pleased. He wants them to live in difficulty so that the rest live in convenience.  Consequently, the revolutionists will not corrupt after the revolution, and the revolution outcome will not be lost. This revolution will not be forgetful about the people. It will begin for people and continue for them as well.

Mahdi (PBUH) also considers himself responsible for behaving as like as his followers promise.

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