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Patience is the way to salvation

  • Publication date:   2017-03-09 22:47:07
  • Number of views:   427


The issue of patience, abstinence and piety are differently mentioned, in this regard the pious people have used a verse which ends with salvation, if people approach that, they indeed reach the prophets, the infallible imams and the divine prophets.

Perhaps by going through the path which the verse mentioned, we can become one of the saints of Allah Almighty.

O you who believe! be patient and excel in patience and remain steadfast, and be careful of (your duty to) Allah, that you may be successful, if people move in this path, they will certainly reach salvation. It means when the Almighty Allah says  ”you may be successful”, the hope which is given by Allah is promising.

Salvation means that the human can remove all the barriers and obstacles of reaching to the sublime purpose, and clean the path of all impediments which one part of it is possible through fasting and in doing so one can reach salvation.

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