Monday 23rd of December 2024
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Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (as) and Respecting Parents

Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (as) and Respecting Parents

Our 4th Imam, Imam Zainul Abideen (as), was a very kind and patient person. He usually never got angry and he always had a smile on his face.

One day when Imam Zainul Abideen (as) was walking down the street with a few of his friends, he saw an old man carrying a heavy load while his son walked next to him. Imam Zainul Abideen (as) lost his smile and became red with anger. All his friends were very surprised to see Imam Zainul Abideen (as) in this way, as they had never seen him angry.

They asked Imam Zainul Abideen (as) what had happened to make him so angry. Imam Zainul Abideen (as) replied that he was angry to see a son walk with his father letting him carry a heavy load and not helping.

It is narrated that the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) has said: One who pleases his parents has verily pleased Allah (SWT), and one who has angered his parents has verily angered Allah (SWT).

It is narrated that the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) has said: Two doors of paradise are opened for a person whose day commences when his parents are pleased with him.

A person once approached the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) and said:  I have an old father and mother, who due to their attachment towards me, are not keen for me to go to Jihad?

Hearing this, the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said  (If such is the case then) Stay with your Parents for by the One in whose control lies my soul! Their attachment of one day and one night to you is better then one year of Jihad.

It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) has said:  Allah will not accept the Namaz of the person who stares angrily at his parents. even though they (parents) may be unjust.

Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (as) and Shia:

A group of people came to our 4th Imam, Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (as) saying that they were his Shia (followers).

 What do you do when you get something?  Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (as) asked them.

 We say Alhamdulillah [Praise belongs to Allah (SWT)],  they replied.

 What do you do when something is taken away from you?  Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (as) asked them.

 We lament a little and come to terms with it,  they replied.

 What do you do when you do not receive anything?  Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (as) asked them further.

 Nothing,  they replied.

 Even the dogs of Madinah do that.  Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (as) said.  When they are given something (food), they wag their tails in thankfulness (Shukr). When something is taken away from them, they bark a little and walk away. When they do not get anything, they walk around the streets.

 Our Shia are those who say Alhamdulillah [Praise belongs to Allah (SWT)] when they receive something, when something is taken away and when they receive nothing.  (Ahsanul Qasa)


source : www.shahroudi.com
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