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hope and expect any kind of benefit and benediction from a believer

  • Publication date:   2017-05-20 00:49:09
  • Number of views:   433

Professor Ansarian said:

The Holy prophet says: hope and expect any kind of benefit and benediction from a believer. There is a verse in the Holy Quran that is good to know about it. It is a very nice verse! Allah says to his prophet: since you are the boss and everyone knows you and look up to you, those who have problems or those who have ran into troubles and need help,  they come to you. They would say, oh messenger of Allah: we have no bread tonight, we have gone belly up in our business and we run into problems. The Almighty Allah says: my prophet and my friend! They hopefully come to you, now that they come to you and you have nothing to give them because you don,t live in the hereafter and you are in the world like them and you don,t have anything to give them and help them. Oh messenger of Allah! Try not to reject them in a way that they become resented from you, try not to talk to them in an angry way. Promise them that you help them and happily and with good moral and temper ask them to leave and come later and Allah willing you could help them later with the help of Almighty Allah.

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