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The manner of sending ṣalāwāt

  • Publication date:   2009-12-07 05:44:25
  • Number of views:   287

The manner of sending alāwāt

In the main books of the Ahl as-Sunnah, it is narrated that at the time of sending alāwāt, the progeny of Muammad () should definitely be mentioned along with his name otherwise one’s alāwāt is incomplete [abtar] and defective.[1]

In the Tafsīr Durr al-Manthūr, it is narrated from the aī al-Bukhārī, aī Muslim, Sunan Tirmidhī, Sunan Nisāī, Sunan Abū Dāwūd, and Sunan Ibn Majah, which are among the most important Sunnī books, that someone asked the Prophet (): “We know how to greet you [salām], but how should we send blessings to you?” The Prophet () said: “You say,


مُحَمَّد آلِ عَلىٰ وَ مُحَمَّد عَلىٰ صَلِّ اَللَّهُمَّ

“.مَجيدٌ حَميدٌ إِنَّكَ إبْراهيم آلِ وَ إبْراهيم عَلىٰ صَلَّيْتَ كَما


“O Allah! Send blessings on Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad as You have sent blessings on Ibrāhīm and the progeny of Ibrāhīm. You are the Praiseworthy and Holy.”[2]


Imām ash-Shāfi’ī, the imām of the Shāfi’ī school of Sunnī jurisprudence, expresses this issue in the following poem:


أَنْزَلَه ٱلْقُرْآنِ فى اللهِ مِنَ فَرْضٌ             حُبُّكُمُ اللهِ رَسولِ بَيْتِ أَهْلَ يا

لَه صَلٰوةَ فَلا عَلَيْكُمْ يُصَلِّ لَمْ مَنْ             أنَّكُم ٱلْقَدْرِ عَظيمِ مِنْ كَفاكُمْ


O members of the Household [Ahl al-Bayt] of the Messenger of Allah! Loving you is an obligation, which God has revealed in the Qur’an.

On the greatness and loftiness of your station, it is enough that anyone who does not invoke blessings on you (in invoking blessings on the Prophet ()), it is as if he has not invoked blessings at all.[3]


Yes, remembering Muhammad’s progeny in every prayer indicates that after the Prophet () we have to refer to his Ahl al-Bayt () and not to others. And if it is not really so, mentioning the names of persons whose path is not necessary to tread, especially in every prayer, would be an act of extremism.

A certain person was clinging steadfastly to the Ka‘bah and sending alāwāt but not including the progeny of Muhammad (). Imām a-ādiq said: “This is an act of injustice against us.”[4]

The Prophet of God () said: “Those who would deprive my progeny of ṣalāwāt cannot smell the fragrance of paradise on the Day of Resurrection.”[5] Similarly, assemblies where the Name of God as well as that of the Prophet () and his progeny are not mentioned will be a source of regret on the Day of Resurrection.[6]

It is interesting enough that it is thus recorded in the traditions: “When the name of one of the prophets of God is mentioned, send blessings first to Muhammad and his progeny, and then invoke blessings and salutation on that prophet.”[7]

The Messenger of Allah () said: “The real miser is he who hears my name but does not send ṣalāwāt to me. He is the most unkind and unfaithful among people.”[8]


[1] As quoted in Tafsīr-e Nemūneh, vol. 17, p. 420.

[2] As quoted in Tafsīr al-Mīzān, vol. 16, p. 365; aī al-Bukhārī, vol. 6, p. 151.

[3] Al-Ghadīr, vol. 2, p. 303 quoting Musnad Amad ibn anbal, vol. 6, p. 323.

[4] Wasā’il ash-Shī‘ah, vol. 4, p. 1218.

[5] Wasā’il ash-Shī‘ah, vol. 4, p. 1219.

[6] Al-Kāfī, vol. 2, p. 397.

[7] Biār al-Anwār, vol. 94, p. 48.

[8] Wasā’il ash-Shī‘ah, vol. 4, p. 1220.

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