Friday 22nd of November 2024
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Belief in Plurality of the Essence and Attributes is Shirk

Belief in Plurality of the Essence and Attributes is Shirk

In another hadith reported by Muhammad ibn Arafa, the Imam (A.S.) explains to us how one will be committing shirk if he considers the Essence of the Almighty and His Attributes as separate from each other. Muhammad said, "I asked al-Rida (A.S.), `Did God create things by some sort of power or not?'

He answered, `It is not possible that He must have used some sort of power to do so because if you say that He created things by a power, you would be saying that you imagined a tool whereby He created things, which is shirk. And if you say that He created things which He subjected to His power, you would be saying that He made sure He would be able to overpower them, while He is not weak or incapable or in need of anyone else; rather, He, Glory be to Him, is Almighty due to the fact that His own Essence is Mighty.'"

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