Friday 27th of September 2024
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Knowledge of the Imams about the unseen

Knowledge of the Imams about the unseen

Sometimes even among Shia people have emerged to damage. Their ignorance acquits them of their mischief but can not prevent its effects that remain. They knew nothing about the status of an Imam. Since they knew nothing, to have them comment on the status of the Imams be an absurdity. Therefore the Sixth Imam, Jafer Sadiq, distanced himself from such people. Mohammad Bin Abi Zainab known as Abul Khattab is one of them. He has written what mostly disturbed Imam Sadiq. When one quotes such people, or their writings, as the writer has, it would have been wiser for him to check things out more thoroughly. The Imam of his time has cursed such narrators lose their authority.

When they are void of any credibility then the argument that points to them holds no water. The knowledge of the unseen is Divine. The Prophet (SAW) and the Imams were Divine figures holding the Divine office. Knowledge of God is this quality. Knowledge to the quality, of the quality, as ancient as the entity of God is to be immediate or direct without the need of a media, to be infinite and stintless, and to be the absolute is a subject which can not be dealt here; but the Prophet (SAW) Ali Bin Abi Taleb and his sons the Imams wore all gifted with such knowledge which others were not acquainted with. A rotating chain of the sayings of the Prophet (SAW) support this thing.

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