Professor Ansarian: Overeating
- Publication date: 2017-09-05 01:10:26
- Number of views: 660
Overeating and being full from food is one of the ways of Satan,s dominance on the heart, however the food is Halal, because overeating is the reason of strengthening one,s lust, and lust is one of the most devastating weapons of devil or Satan.
It is said: Yahya saw Iblis with many locks and asked him: What are these?
He said: these are the lusts by which I prevent human beings from a good servant.
Yahya said: Is there anything for me in these locks? said: when overeating makes you lazy for saying prayers and you cannot say your prayers how you need to. Yahya said: is there anything else? Said: no
Yahya said: I promise Allah Almighty not to fill my stomach anymore.
Then Enblis said: I swear to Allah, I will not adivise a Muslim from now on.
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