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Rain of mercy

  • Publication date:   2017-09-14 23:02:38
  • Number of views:   305

Imam Sadiq peace be upon him narrates from his grandfather: the people of Kufa came to Imam Ali, the commander of faithful peace be upon him and complained about drought and lack of rain and they said to Imam Ali: ask Allah for Rain. The commander of faithful peace be upon him said to Imam Hussein peace be upon him: ask Allah for rain. Imam Hussein peace be upon him praised Allah Almighty and send greetings to Holy prophet and asked Allah Almighty: O the one who grants charity and sends down blessings, send us plenty of water and pour down rain extensively so that your servants get rid of their inability and the dead lands become alive again. Amen O the lord of universe.

As soon as Imam Hussein peace be upon him finished praying, it rained heavily to the extent that an Arab came from some far region of Kufa and said: the hills and valley are swarmed with water

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