The Short History of Bibi Khadeeja (A.S.) [Poem]

Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great lady Khadeeja
Allah had made her excellent - She was great and excellent
Was unique lady in Makkah - Respected her men of Makkah
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great lady Khadeeja
She inherited the vast business - From her father she got business
She ran it in wonderful way - Got profit in wonderful way
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great lady Khadeeja
Her eighty thousands were camels - Sold her goods-in Arabia camels
She was richest business lady - Honorable business lady
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great lady Khadeeja
One day came to her relative - Very learned was relative
On road was going holy Prophet - The cloud shaded on holy Prophet
Billions salutes to Muhammad – The greatest Prophet Muhammad
From his face was shining the light - To skies was reaching divine light
Man called Prophet and talked to him - “Show me your back”, he said to him
Billions salutes to Muhammad – The greatest Prophet Muhammad
When Prophet moved shirt from his back - Seal of Prophethood shone from back
Man had read signs of last Prophet - Would have seal on back last Prophet
Billions salutes to Muhammad – The greatest Prophet Muhammad
Seeing the seal he was sure - That he was last Prophet sure
When Prophet went he said, “Lady - Listen carefully Khadeeja Lady
Billions salutes to Muhammad – The greatest Prophet Muhammad
This man is the final Prophet - God’s Messenger final Prophet
You will get heaven you marry him - Don’t miss him surely marry him
Billions salutes to Muhammad – The greatest Prophet Muhammad
Once Abu Talib said “Khadeeja - Mohammad is wise Khadeeja
You join him in your business - More prosperous will be business.”
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great lady Khadeeja
She made him the sales Manager - To sell goods and be Manager
With hundred and more in Caravan - Muhammad took that caravan
Billions salutes to Muhammad - The greatest Prophet Muhammad
Her camels loaded with the goods - He went to Shaam to sell the goods
On the way he did miracles - On earth and skies miracles
Billions salutes to Muhammad - The greatest Prophet Muhammad
When he walked on dry grass - By miracle made it green grass
When he walked under the trees - Bowed down and greeted him trees
Billions salutes to Muhammad - The greatest Prophet Muhammad
When he walked in the hot sun - Came heavenly cloud saved him from sun
It shaded over head of Prophet - Went wherever went the Prophet
Billions salutes to Muhammad - The greatest Prophet Muhammad
On way when there was deep water - He walked safely on deep water
When they went to the dry land – No water was in dry land
Billions salutes to Muhammad - The greatest Prophet Muhammad
He raised his hands to get the rain – Immediately fell the rain
Khadeeja’s servant Maisera - Was deeply impressed Maisera
Billions salutes to Muhammad - The greatest Prophet Muhammad
When Prophet went to Damascus - He sold all goods at Damascus
And he got the highest profit - She never had such high profit
Billions salutes to Muhammad - The greatest Prophet Muhammad
When prophet was coming home - Khadeeja saw him from her home
From his face was shining light - And to the skies was reaching light
Billions salutes to Muhammad - The greatest Prophet Muhammad
In air were standing the angels - Spreading their wings were angels
Shaded with wings on his head - Saved him from sun by shading on head
Billions salutes to Muhammad - The greatest Prophet Muhammad
Some more angels were fanning him - In this way they were saving him
On both his sides were more angels - Walking like guards were those angels
Billions salutes to Muhammad - The greatest Prophet Muhammad
Khadeeja was deeply impressed - Saw wonderful scenes and was impressed
She thought he is king of heaven - Servants were angels of heaven
Billions salutes to Muhammad - The greatest Prophet Muhammad
Muhammad came and gave profit - It was unique highest profit
Maisera said all miracles - What Prophet had done miracles
Billions salutes to Muhammad - The greatest Prophet Muhammad
She offered grapes to Muhammad - Said “Eat them O Sir Muhammad.”
Muhammad called the group of men - He ate the grapes with group of men
Billions salutes to Muhammad - The greatest Prophet Muhammad
He touched grapes with powerful hand - Did miracle with powerful hand
All men ate, grapes did not decrease - By his miracle didn’t decrease
Billions salutes to Muhammad - The greatest Prophet Muhammad
Khadeeja saw and was impressed - At his miracle was impressed
She thought that he was the greatest - Most powerful, wonderful and greatest
Billions salutes to Muhammad - The greatest Prophet Muhammad
She said to her cousin Varqa - I found the light Brother Varqa
Muhammad is king of heaven - I want to marry king of heaven
Billions salutes to Khadeeja - The great lady Khadeeja
Then sent was proposal of marriage - Accepted was proposal of marriage.
Both were married with God’s Mercy - Special was Allah’s Mercy.
Billions salutes to Muhammad - Billions salutes to Khadeeja
By Saleha Fatima Mirza - Midhat
D/O Mirza Muhammad Raza – Gadeer (Malik Ashtari).