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The second arrival of God – The Realm of one thousand years -4

  • Publication date:   2009-12-10 05:29:11
  • Number of views:   497

The devil will remain in this situation until Parusia of Christ. Then, all bad angels and Satan, will be thrown for ever to hell pains; here are also thrown, after the death (XIX, 20, XX,10) and tools and their adepts from the men.
The age of decreasing Satan power on humanity is concomitant to that of realm of Christ and His chosen people. Saint Apostle and evangelist Ioan said that the duration of this age will be of “one thousand years”, in prophetic language meaning a very long and undetermined age (comp. II Petru III, 8; Ps. XV, 4; Isada LXIII,4). The Happy Augustin (De civitate Dei VII,2) identifies this age with all earth stage of the realm of God, from the creation to Parusia of Christ and said: “Miile annos pro annfis omntbus hujus saeculi posudt, ut perfecto numero notaretur ipsa temporis plenitude”.
To the end of this period, Satan will try his last attack against Church, but this one will be completely destroyed, when Christ will arrive for the second time. The efforts of devil and his tools will exist on the earth as long as will exist heresies and false religious teaching sustained between Christian by heretics and schismatic. The biding of devil is re[resenting the main cause of the fail of conspiracies of bad people. The real interpretation of millennium from Apocalypse XX, 1-10 is that which consider “one thousand year” an unlimited and very long age; - in the “realm” of Christ and His chosen people from the earth, a happiness and spiritual blessing; - in “bidding the devil”, a relative and gradual limitation of devil power on faithful people”; - in “first revival”, the spiritual revival by the Holy baptism; - “in the second death”, conviction of sinful people to hell pains, after last judgment; in “releasing Satan from his prison, at the end of one thousand years”, last tentative of devil to remove Christians from the good way (comp. II tes. II, 1-12); ‘ in “God and Magog”, image of bad forces; - in “loved fortress”, the Christian Church or secret Body of Christ; - in “saints group”, all faithful people devoted to Gospel of Christ; in expression “priests of God and Christ”, spiritual nobles of Christian vocation and grace of those who are faithful to God, and – in “the realm of one thousand years”, all the age from creation to Parusia of God, that means all earth stage of the realm of God.
In this realm of God are included, in an invisible way, the souls of deceased Christians and in a visible way, the Christians fighting against the sin, rejecting to dedicate to the “beast”, to make the devil will. By them, over them and together with them, Jesus Christ is always governing the world. They were released from the tyranny of sin, of eternal death and the devil, enjoying by “fist revival’ and the Saviour said: “Like the Father revived the deceased, so the Son is revived... Amen, amen: who is listening My words and believes in Who sent to Me, has an eternal life and will not come to judgment, but moved from death to life. Amen, as the hours is coming and now it is, when the deceased will hear the voice of the Son of the God and those who will hear, will revive. Because like the Father has His life in himself, so He gave to the Son to have the life in himself; and power was gave to him to make justice, being the Son of the Man” (Ioan V, 21, 24-27) or: “Amen: Who believes in me, has an eternal life...Who is eating my body and drinks my blood, has eternal life and I will revive him in last day” (Ioan VI, 47, 54).
The realm of Christ does not include all the people, but only those who receive His teaching, become members of the Church by Holy Secrets and make efforts to live according to evangelist moral, whose supreme law is the mutual love. On them, “the second death” and the devil have no any power. Nevertheless, the devil doesn’t give up the fight, but his power is more and more decreased, and his effort to reestablish the realm on the faithful people coincides with the historical duration of the Church. The chapters XII-XIX from Apocalypse especially insisted on the answer of the Church to many attacks of Satan; chapter XX (1-10) especially insisted on the continuous activity of the church, defending and the good and final and full victory of Christ, Son of God, on bad forces. About final tortures of devil, preceding Parusia of God, Apocalypse and that they will have a duration of 1.260 days or 42 months or 3 years and a half or even 3 days and a half; these expression mean “For a while” from XX, 3 and symbolically represent an age shorted before the date, incomplete, relative, so an effort with failure and practically not realized.
But the spiritual peace, the internal silent and the missionary activity of the Church will have duration of “one thousand years”, a full age, continuous and perfect, necessary for Gospel preaching to its final aim. So saint parents teach that millennium of Apocalypse symbolize just the age of divine grace, which started with Church foundation and will exist until Parusia of Christ. And until this age, the real Christians spiritually participate to the realm of Christ on the earth, surprising each day the devil governing and deceased govern with Christ in the heaven, being in eternal slave after particular judgment and waiting bodies revival, at universal judgment, when will be definitive the state of each one, and Satan will be thrown for ever in hell pains.
This interpretation is according to eschatological teaching from the others books of New Testament. Saints evangelists says to us that Saviour came to create in the world The realm of God or the realm of heaven (Matei III,2,IV, 17, Luca VIII,1 etc.) and tell us that this realm is realized in and by the Christian Church (Matei XVI, 18-19). Jesus Christ told us that the entry to this spiritual realm (Ioan XVIII,. 36) is made by “the second birth”, that means by the grace of Holy Spirit received at baptism, meaning also “the first revival from deceased”(Ioan III,5;V,25,XI,24-25). Saint Apostle Paul mentioned at his turn that “The realm of God is not food and drink”, like something material, but justice and happiness of Holy spirit” Rom. XIV,17) and it is gradually realized in secret Body of Christ, which is the Church (efes,IV,25,V,23,Col. I,24,I,Cor.XII, 29, Rom. XII, 5 etc.); and those people received inside by Holy baptism participate to death and revival of Christ (Rom. VI, 2-6); that sinful persons are in a state of moral death (Efes V, 14, Col.II, 13) and the Church is continuously against the devil efforts to prevent the salvation of faithful people (II tes. II, 1 s.u.).
The dogmatic and moral ideas from Apocalypse XX, 1-10, are shortly the following;
a. The devil bidding means limiting the satanic power on the faithful people and it was made at Christianity creation;
b. The realm of “one thousand years” of Christ and His chosen people is the time when Christ decreased the devil power on the faithful persons;
c. Members of the realm of Christ are the faithful people who participated at first revival, meaning the revival by the grace of Saint baptism and other saint secrets, against the devil will;
d. To the end of messianic age and before of Parusia of God, the devil will enjoy again of some free action, working for a while on the faithful persons;
e. The faithful persons who participated on the first revival, the baptismal revival and Christian, will be revived at the end of ages, at the second revival, preceding the general judgment, given to each one according to his facts;
f. On those who divided the divine grace, kept until death the faithful in Christ and did not made the devil facts the second death, the eternal punishment, will be no power;
g. at the end of “one thousand years”, when the Church will be accomplish the mission for which it was established, the devil and his servants will be thrown in hell fire, for the second death.
h. the hell pains will be endless, will be eternal, day and night, for ever; there will be the place of the beast and liar prophet.
i. the second arrival of God will be followed by revival of sleeping bodies, by last judgment and by the state of all in the future life, which the author of apocalypse described, in a symbolical language, in the visions of XX 11 – XXI, 5-11.

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