Friday 27th of September 2024
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Army destroys an ISIS bulldozer bomb in Hasaka city, targets terrorists’ positions in various areas

Agence de Nouvelles d'Ahlul Bait (ABNA) : Hasaka An army unit and the national backup forces in Hasaka city thwarted on Tuesday night ISIS terrorists’ attempt to drive a car bomb into Ghweiran neighborhood in the city.
Army destroys an ISIS bulldozer bomb in Hasaka city, targets terrorists’ positions in various areas

Agence de Nouvelles d'Ahlul Bait (ABNA) : Hasaka

An army unit and the national backup forces in Hasaka city thwarted on Tuesday night ISIS terrorists’ attempt to drive a car bomb into Ghweiran neighborhood in the city.

A source in the Hasaka province, located in northeastern Syria, told SANA reporter that an army unit blew up a bulldozer packed with large amounts of explosives before it managed to reach al-Bassel roundabout.

ISIS terrorists were seeking to drive the vehicle into the western side of Ghweiran neighborhood.

The explosion, the source said, resulted in the killing and injuring of a number of ISIS terrorists who were trying to infiltrate the neighborhood while the vehicle was taking its way into it.

The army units and the national backup forces clashed with the ISIS terrorists following the explosion, inflicting heavy losses upon them in personnel and equipment, according to the source.

Earlier on Tuesday, an army unit destroyed a car bomb in the vicinity of the sheep market while ISIS terrorists were attempting to drive it into al-Nashwa al-Gharbia neighborhood in Hasaka city.


A number of terrorists were killed during army operations in al-Yadouda, Tafas and Heit in the countryside of the southern Daraa province, according to a military source.


Meanwhile, an army unit destroyed dens and vehicles belonging to terrorist organizations to the east of Hirsh Trinjeh in the countryside of the southern Quneitra province.


Army units killed terrorists, most of them non-Syrian, and destroyed their vehicles in Wadi Hzeirin and al-Wadi sites in the area between al-Rawda and Droushan in the northern countryside of the coastal province of Lattakia.

source : abna
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