Sunday 30th of June 2024
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Can science and the fast evolving human intellectual capabilities help in understanding Mahdism Doctrine?-3

Among the many verses in Qura’n that reflect these norms and laws are described by Allah in His glorious book:
“ And if you turn away (from Islam and the obedience to Allah), he will exchange you for some other people and they will not be your likes (Ch.47. 38). “And if the people of the towns had believed and had the Taqwa “piety”, certainly, we should have opened for them blessings from the heaven and the earth, but belied “the message”, so we took them (with punishment) for what they used to earn (polytheism and crimes) (Ch.7: 96). Have they not seen how many a generation before them we have destroyed whom we had established on the earth such as we have not established you? And we poured out on them rain from the sky in abundance, and made the rivers flow under them. Yet we have destroyed for their sins, and we created after them other generations...” (Ch.6:6).
In order for Muslims to retain their role as vice regents for God, they have to work hard and find their path among other nations. Since the current civilisation is based on science and technology and the western countries listen only to the voice of science, and empirical evidence, Muslims have to invest in science and be able to solve the current problems resulting from the implications of the new technology. We Muslims have to participate in solving the problems of Greenhouse effect, Global warming and pollution (Ahmed, 2004), which, as the Qur’an points out: “Pollution has appeared on land and sea as a result of what man’s own hands have produced” (Ch.30:41).
According to martyrs Al sadar and Mutahhari (1982), corruption, turmoil and perversions help the hostile forces and slow down the movement of history in favour of the righteous people. What is required is a sort of development and hard work which precedes the ripening of the fruit on the tree. The better the care, anti pest protection and watering of a tree, the better, healthier, and sometime earlier is the fruit it produces. “The tree is a metaphor referred to Imam Mahdi (AS).
It has been manifested so far in arguing the second objective, that the world acknowledges the deep crisis in current world order, the lack of mechanisms available to solve these problems and collective awareness of the need for global governance as proposed by the United Nation Commission (1995), scholars of different walk of life and prominent thinkers and philosophers. Recently global leaders, including several Nobel peace laureates -among them Mandela- gathered to celebrate Nelson Mandela’s 89th birthday and to create “ council of elders” which is dedicated to finding new ways to foster peace and resolve global crisis, and to support the next generation of leaders (The associated press, 2007).
It is believed by many writers and intellects that 21st century will mark a new era characterized by huge impact of information revolution, physical unification of the planet, and the acknowledgment of the fact of interdependence of all societies who live on it. As a result a new paradigm emerged, as explained brilliantly by Frieman’s new book (2005): The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century. He explained the brave new world facing us; a world that although recently started, is growing at a rapid pace never seen before in history. The new, “flat” world is one where technology and collaborative economies have created an entirely new playing field. It will change all of our theories of economies, politics and jobs.
The history of humanity as one nation is now starting, which undermines racial, cultural and religious boundaries. This surly requires new skills for tolerance, effective communication, collaborative conflict resolution and constructive interaction to sustain humanity’s survival.
This concept of one nation is also referred to by the excellent work of Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai lama, in his elegant book, “The universe in a single Atom: the convergence of science and spirituality”.
The unity of humanity regardless of its immense diversity is thoroughly explained by (Ahmed, 2006).
There are currently numerous organisations communicating through collective technologies and are spreading across the world mobilising and empowering countless organisations and communities to reach for innovative solutions to the most troubling social, ethical and economical world’s problems. They collectively share a common “secular ethics” which advocate principles that appeal to all human beings, such as tolerance, compassion, accepting others, responsible use of power and knowledge. These principles are shared by the believers and the non-believers; they belong not to one faith, but to all faiths.
Allah (SW) in his global address to mankind in one of the verse (49:13): “O mankind! Reverence your lord who created you from a single being”. In another verse where Allah (SW) addresses humanity as a single family (49:13): “O mankind! We created you from male and female and made you into nations and tribes so that you may get acquainted to each other: Verily, the most honoured of you in the sight of God is the most pious.
The unity of human race was further stressed by the prophet (PBUH) when he said, “All of you are from Adam, and Adam was made from clay”. He also said in other occasion, “No Arab shall be better than a non-Arab, a white better than a black or black than white, save in piousness”.
Imam Ali (pbuh) said “"People are of two kinds: Either your brothers in faith or your equals in humanity”.
The Italian professor Giuseppe Mazzini once said, “God has given you your country as a cradle, and humanity as mother, you can not rightly love your brethren of the cradle, if you love not the common mother”.
I feel that currently the time is right for the convergence of science, human intellect and the divine wisdom to heal humanity’s maladies, and the concept of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) is timely and what the world is eagerly waiting for.
I may finish my paper by referring to some of the very relevant traditions narrated by some of our great Imams that reflect the very much needed divine global leader to solve humanity’s problems (Mugahi, 2006):
Testimony to Islam over the Entire Earth:
Imam Ja’far ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq (peace be upon both of them) said: “When al-Qa’im makes his advent, not a single place of land will remain except that the call to the testimony of, ‘There is no creature worthy of worship except for Allah and indeed Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah’ will be given (there).” (AL-Majlesy1, 1983)
Perfection of the Intellect and Moral Traits:
Imam Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Baqir (peace be upon both of them) has said: “When our Qa’im makes his advent, he will place his hand over the heads of the servants and their intellects will join together and their ethical traits will be perfected.” (AL-Majlesy2, 1983)
Ruling with Justice:
Imam Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Baqir (peace be upon both of them) said: “When the Qa’im of the Ahlul Bayt makes his advent, he will divide (the riches) with equity and will show justice among the people. So whoever obeys him, has obeyed Allah; and whoever goes against him, has gone against Allah. Indeed al-Mahdi was named as such because he will guide to the hidden affairs.” (AL-Majlesy3, 1983)
No Oppression or Tyranny
Imam ‘Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha (peace be upon both of them) has said: “ … So when he [Imam al-Mahdi] will make his advent, the Earth with radiate with the celestial illumination of its’ Lord and the scale of justice will be positioned among mankind such that not a single person will oppress another individual” (AL-Majlesy4, 1983)

Completion of Wisdom:
Imam Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Baqir (peace be upon both of them) has said: “During the period of his [Imam al-Mahdi’s] government, wisdom shall be disbursed among the people such that a woman sitting in her house [with no ‘formal’ religious training] will be able to pass judgment by the Book of Allah, the High, and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his family).” (AL-Majlesy5, 1983)

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