Friday 5th of July 2024
نفر 0

In the previous verse, the pagans told the prophets: "You call us to the way of Allah. " However, in this verse, the prophets told them: "Allah calls you.


In the previous verse, the pagans told the prophets: "You call us to the way of Allah. " However, in this verse, the prophets told them: "Allah calls you. " That is, our call does not initiate from our side and is not directed towards us. On the contrary, it originates in Allah and terminates in Allah as well.

According to, Zamakhshari and Maraghi, the promises of the Qur'an concerning the faithful relate to the forgiveness of all of their sins, while concerning others the case is forgiveness of some of their sins: " to forgive for you of your sins " Anyway, as was explained in the previous verse with regard to the pagans and disbelievers and their lack of faith owing to their skepticism, immediately in this verse, He negates their skepticism with clear reasoning and in a concise statement, saying:

" Their messenger said: 'Is there any doubts about Allah, the Originator of the heavens and the earth ?' ..."

Probably, the Arabic term/ fatir/ (the Originator )refers to the splitting of the preliminary matter mass of the world which we are up- dated about in everyday life of the existing science we read that the totality of the world mass matter consisted of an integrated continuum which burst asunder, revealing and causing the emergence of the globes.

Anyway, here, as in other situations and cases, the Qur'an insists on the creation of the system the world of existence as well as the creation of the heavens and the earth for demonstrating Allah's Existence and His Attributes.

Then, it turns to answer the second criticism raised by the opponents whose criticism relates to the issue of the prophetic mission of the prophets. It implies that it is obvious that the Wise and Omniscient Creator of the world does not abandon His servants without a leader. On the contrary, by sending you messengers, He calls you so as to remove your faults and pollutions and forgive your sins. And He gives you a limited amount of time in order that you go through your development process and make the most of your life. The verse says:

"... He calls you to forgive for you of your sins and respite you till an appointed term. ..."

In fact, the call of the prophets has had two objectives in mind: The forgiveness of sins and the continuation of life till a pre- fixed date, both of which are in fact having a cause- and- effect for each other. For, a society can continue to live which is on the whole pure from sins and injustice. However, despite all these, the obstinate disbelievers did not accept this enlivening call which was mixed with the evident logic of monotheism. They answered their prophets with the words

which were loaded with obstinacy and non- submission of the truth. The verse says:

"... They said: 'You are nothing but mortals like us; ..."

Moreover you want to keep us from worshipping what our ancestors worshipped. In addition to all these, you must provide us with clear evidences. The verse continues saying:

"... you intend that you turn us away from what our ancestors used to worship. Then bring us some clear authority'. "

* * * *

(11) قالَتْ لَهُمْ رُسُلُهُمْ إِنْ نَحْنُ إِلاَّ بَشَرٌ مِثْلُكُمْ وَ لكِنَّ اللَّهَ يَمُنُّ عَلى مَنْ يَشاءُ مِنْ عِبادِهِ وَ ما كانَ لَنا أَنْ نَأْتِيَكُمْ بِسُلْطانٍ إِلاَّ بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ وَ عَلَى اللَّهِ فَلْيَتَوَكَّلِ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ

11. " Their messengers said (answering) them: 'We are nothing but mortals like you, but Allah bestows (His) favour on whomever He pleases of His servants; and it is not for us that we bring unto you any authority except by Allah's permission. And on Allah should the believers rely. "


The Qur'an in this holy verse implies that Allah bestows (His) favours on whomever He pleases and appoints him as His prophet, yet, Allah, the Wise, knows who has the capacity and who is capable of performing such a great responsibility. " Allah knows best where to place His apostleship. " (Sura Al- 'An'am, No. 6, verse 124)

Incidentally, the disbelievers and the pagans had two claims to make with the prophets: 1- You are a man like all of us. 2- Perform the miracle which we propose for us.

The answer to these two claims has been provided in this verse. We do accept the fact that we are human beings just like you; but Allah granted us this favour and has provided us with revelations. And as for your claim saying that our miracles must be performed according to your request. This cannot be achieved, for we reserve the right not to perform any miracles without Allah's permission. Anyway, performing miracles is not our job, so that we tend to isolate ourselves sitting in a

corner and perform extraordinary things with everyone requesting a different miracle as he wishes, thus making perform of extraordinary things into a useless affair, reducing it to a plaything matter. On the contrary, we cannot perform any miracles without the command of Allah. The verse says:

" Their messengers said (answering) them: 'We are nothing but mortals like you, but Allah bestows (His) favour on whomever He pleases of His servants; and it is not for us that we bring unto you any authority except by Allah's permission. ..."

Moreover, every prophet does perform miraculous works without being requested by the people in order to prove his legitimacy.

Afterwards, in order to provide the pretenders with a decisive answer regarding their various threats, they clarified their position, saying that all faithful individuals must rely on Allah, the same Almighty to Whose Power all powers are insignificant and useless. The verse says:

"... And on Allah should the believers rely. "

(12) وَ ما لَنا أَلاَّ نَتَوَكَّلَ عَلَى اللَّهِ وَ قَدْ هَدانا سُبُلَنا وَ لَنَصْبِرَنَّ عَلى ما آذَيْتُمُونا وَ عَلَى اللَّهِ فَلْيَتَوَكَّلِ الْمُتَوَكِّلُونَ

12. " And why should we not rely on Allah while He has guided us to our ways (of happiness) And certainly we will bear patiently whatever hurt you inflict on us; and on Allah (alone) should the reliant rely. "


The Arabic term/ tawakkul/ signifies 'employing a lawyer or an advocate'. Such a person must have four attributes: perspicacity, honesty in keeping other's deposits, power, and affection. No one but Allah possesses all these attributes fully. Thus we must trust Him.

Imam Rida (a.s.) said: "The border of the trust is that, by belief in Allah, you be scared of none. " (Nour- uth- Thaqalayn) . Therefore, that Lord Who leads us will also protect us. Thus, we must solely trust Him.

Therefore, providing transparent justifications for the issue of trust, the prophets said as to why must they not trust Him and ask for His help in all circumstances Why must they be frightened by the straw powers and threats while He has led them through the ways of happiness The verse says:

" And why should we not rely on Allah while He has guided us to our ways (of happiness)? ..."

Then, they would continue saying that now that they rely solely on Allah, Who is not vulnerable and is supreme over all things definitely, they should stand against all of disbelievers' tortures and harms. The verse says:

"... And certainly we will bear patiently whatever hurt you inflict on us; ..."

Then, finally, they ended up their speech with these words:

"... and on Allah (alone) should the reliant rely. "

The objective of/ tawakkul/ is to enable one not to have feelings of inferiority and weakness when facing with the greatness of difficulties, but by relying on the unending vast power of Allah, he should consider himself as conquering and victorious. Thus, surely such a trust is hope- inspiring and strengthening, and can increase our resistance.

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