Thursday 4th of July 2024
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There are three kinds of Hajj: Ifraad, Qiran, and Tamattu. Since the Majority of the people perform Hajj-e-Tamattu, we shall briefly outline this form of Hajj. Hajj Tamattu consists of Umrah and Hajj performed with two different lhraams in the same journey.  Ihraam is the state in which Hajj is performed.  The garb which the pilgrims wear is also known as Ihraam. Hajj is performed during the months of Hajj which are Shawaal, Zil Qadh and the first thirteen days of Zil-Hajj. Miqaat is the boundary beyond which it is not permissible to go without Ihraam. Mutamatti is the person performing Hajj-e-Tamattu. The Mutamatti will enter the state of Ihraam at the Miqaat or before arriving at the Miqaat. It is preferable to first take ghusl. After this ghusl males should not wear any sewn clothing. Wear the two unsown loose sheets of the Ihraam dress.  Perform two rakats Salat with the head covered.  After the Salat, uncover the head. Now make the intention of the Ihraam of Umrah-(Duas and niyyat forms are to be found in many booklets).  After having made the niyyat or Hajj-e-Tamattu, recite the Talbiyah.  It is Waajib to recite the Talbiyah once and Mustahab to recite it thrice. Men should recite the Talbiyah audibly and women silently. The pilgrim is now in the state of Ihraam. Whilst in this state various prohibitions and restrictions will apply to the pilgrim. During the state of Ihraam recite the Talbiyah in abundance and continuously. Do not waste your time involved in idle conversation as numerous people do. On arrival at Makkah Muazzamah, make arrangements for your luggage.  Thereafter proceed to the Haram Shareef.  Enter the Masjid with the right foot and recite the relevant Dua. On sighting the Ka’bah Shareef, recite the relevant Takbeer and Dua, also Talbiyah.  At this occasion make any Dua for yourself and family. While reciting Talbiyah approach Hajr-e-Aswad with the intention or performing the Umrah which is part of the Hajj-e-Tamattu.  Stand anywhere in the Mataaf area with the Hajr-e-Aswad on your right-hand side about a meter away. At this point make the niyyat for Tawaaf and move sideways towards your right in the direction of Hajr-e-Aswad.  When directly in line with Hajr-e-Aswad, i.e. facing it, raise both hands just as one does during Salat and recite the relevant Takbeer formula and lower the hands. Then raise the hands for Istilaam of Hajr-e-Aswad. Nowadays it is almost impossible to kiss Hajr-e-Aswad on account of the crowd always milling around.  A narrow band of dark-red tiles nowadays indicates the position to stand on when making the Istilaam.  The Tawaaf commences from this point. After the Istilaam turn towards your right and proceed with the Tawaaf.  During the Tawaaf the Ka’bah Shareef will always be on your left side. Care must be taken that the Ka’bah always remains on one’s left side during the Tawaaf. During Tawaaf, ones face and breast should not be turned towards the Ka’bah. On reaching Hajr-e-Aswad again, one circuit (Shaut) of the Tawaaf has been completed. The Tawaaf has seven Shauts. Make Istilaam of Hajr-e-Aswad each time you reach there. In view of the large number of people making Tawaaf, you will obtain only a few seconds for the Istilaam. Idhtiba is to keep the left shoulder bare during Tawaaf. Only males make Idhtiba. During this Tawaaf, i.e. the Tawaaf of the Umrah of the Mutamatti, Idhtiba has to be made for the entire duration of the Tawaaf. Therefore, make Idhtiba before starting the Tawaaf or just before performing the niyyat for the Tawaaf.  After the Tawaaf, there is no need for Idhtiba. Ramal to walk in soldierly fashion.  The cheat should be pushed out and the arms and shoulders should move about.  It is a march-like walk. Ramal is only for men. In this Tawaaf, Ramal has to be made in the first three Shauts.  Thereafter discontinue it. Ramal does not mean to jog or run as most people understand.  Jogging and running is to be done during the Sa-ee of Safa and Marwah. After the seventh Shaut of this Tawaaf again make the Istilaam of Hajr-e-Aswad and then perform two rakats Tawaaf Salat behind Maqaam-e-Ibrahim. If it is crowded here, perform the Salat anywhere in the Masjid where platce is available. Do not perform Salat in the path of those who are making tawaaf. Many people do so because of ignorance. After the Tawaaf Salat go to the Multazam, which is the area between the door of Baitullah Shareef and Hajr-e-Aswad. Here make dua. After Dua at the Multazam, proceed to the well of Zam Zam. Drink of, its water as much as you able to. The well is nowadays sealed off by a glass partition. Its water is available from taps in the vicinity. When drinking its water, face the Qiblah. After drinking, make the relevant Dua. After drinking Zam Zam water, again proceed to make Hajr-e-Aswad. Thereafter proceed to mak the Sa-ee of Safa and Marwah. Sa-ee of Safa and Marwah consists of seven Shauts (circuits), starting at Safa and ending at Marwah. From Safa to Marwah is one Shaut and from Marwah to Safa is is also one Shaut. The Sa-ee will end at Marwah, ie. the seventh Shaut. During the Sa-ee males have to do a bit of running between two points known as Al-Meelainul Akhdharain. This position is nowadays indicated by green pillars and green fluorescent lights. Run between the fluorescent lights. When reaching Safa, face the Ka’bah-look at the Ka’bah and make dua. Nowadays only a very small portion of, Safa and Marwah remains, the rest having been tiled over. Mount the original rock protruding from the tiles and make your Dua in that position.  Dua should be made on both Safa and Marwah each time one reaches there at the end of a circuit. After completing the Sa-ee proceed to a barber to either shave off the hair (Halq) or clip it (Taqseer). Shaving is only for men. Do not have your hair cut by the kids or others who wait at the Marwah for this purpose. They do the Taqseer (clipping) incorrectly. Such incorrect Taqseer will not release the pilgrim from the restrictions of the Ihraam. After Halq or Taqseer the Mutamatti is released from all restrictions of the Ihraam. He is now no longer in the state of Ihraam. His Hajj Ihraam will be donned on the 8th  Zil-hajj. While in Makkah Muazzah, the pilgrim should perform as many Nafl Tawaafs as possible and generally involve himself in Ibaadat, abstaining, from all sinful, futile and pursuits. THE 8th  ZIL-HAJJ (First day of Hajj): While the Mutamatti has to don Ihraam on the 8th Zil Hajj by the latest, he may enter the state of Ihraam even before the 8th. The same procedure of Ihraam as described earlier will be adopted.  The only difference will be the niyyat which will be for Hajj and not Umrah. Again he will recite the Talbiyah in abundance and constantly. On the 8th, after sunrise leave for Mina. You will spend the night in Mina. Five Salat (Zuhr, Asar, Maghrib, Isha and fajr of the next day) will be performed at Mina. THE 9th ZIL-HAJJ (Second day of Hajj): On the 9th Zil-Hajj after it has become a bit light, you will leave for Arafat. Continue with Talbiyah along the way also recite Takbeer. When your gaze falls on Jabal Rahmat in Arafat, recite Takbeer and make Dua. Also recite Tahleel, Tasbeeh  and Istighfaar. In Arafat Zuhr and Asar will be combined and performed during the time or Zuhr.  The Imaam will deliver a Khutbah after Zawaal in Masjid-e-Namrah which is at the edge of Arafat on the side of Makkah Mukarramah. The Zuhr and the Asar Salat will be performed in Jamat. After having performed the Zuhr and Asar Salat proceed to your halting place In Arafat. It is valid to halt in any place anywhere in Arafat.  At your halting place (Mauqaf) involve yourself in Ibaadat. Do not waste your time in futility and idle conversation. During the Wuqoof (halt) at Arafat endeavor to stand as much as possible facing the Ka’bah, engaging in Ibaadat.

THE 10th ZIL-HAJJ (Third day of Hajj): At sunset on the day of Arafat, reciting Talbiyah and making Dua, set out for, Muzdalifah. Remember that it is not permissible to depart from Arafat before sunset. At Muzdalifah make ghusl or wudhu. Besides the place known as Wadi Muhassar, you may stop at any place in Muzdalifah although it is best to stop near to Masjid-e-Mash’are Haraam. In Muzdalifah, Maghrib and Isha Salat will be combined during the time of Isha. At Muzdalifah spend as much of the night as possible in Ibadat. This night is superior to even Lailatul Qadr. In the morning, after Subh Saadiq, perform Fajr Salat as early as possible with Jamaat. If this is not possible, perform the Fajr even alone. Thereafter, facing the Kiblah engage in Talbiyah, Tasbeeh and Tahleel. Raise the hands and make Dua. About five minutes before sunrise depart for Mina. On reaching Wadi run through emerging in haste. From Muzdalifah take along seven tiny pebbles. It is permissible to pick up these pebbles from along the route or from elsewhere. However, the pebbles should not be picked up from or near the Jamaraat. On reaching Mina, the pillar known as Jamaratul Uqba has to be pelted. Stand in a position with Mina on your right and Makkah on your left. Hold a pebble between your thumb and forefinger of the right hand. Strike the Jamarat with it. Repeat this seven times. Stop the recitation or Talbiyah with the striking of the first pebble. When striking the Jamarat, recite the relevant Takbeer formula. The striking of the pebbles is known as Rami. After Rami return to your place of stay.  The time for this Rami is from Subh Saadiq on 10th until Subh Saadiq on the 11th. But, the Sunnat time is from sunrise until zawaal on the 10th. After zawaal to sunset, the time for the Rami is Mubah (permissible). The time from sunset to Fajr is Makrooh. After the Rami on the 10th, the next act is Qurbaani, which is Wajib for the Mutamatti. After Qurbaani is Halq (shaving the head) or Taqseer (clipping the hair). Women should cut just over an inch from the plaits of their hair. Once the hair has been shaved or clipped, one is released from all restrictions of Ihraam, excepting sexual relationship which still remains prohibited. Now return to Makkah Mukarramah to perform Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat which is Fardh. The best time for this Tawaaf is the 10th. However, it is permissible until sunset on the 12th  Zul Hajj. Afer Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat return to Mina and spend the night there. Sexual relations are lawful after completing Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat. THE 11th ZIL-HAJJ (fourth day of Hajj): Rami of all three Jamaraat has to be made on the 11th  after Zawaal. First pelt Jamaraat Ula, then Jamaraat Wusta and finally Jamaraat Uqba. If possible, make dua and recite Tasbeeh, Tahleel and Istighfaar after the Rami of the first and second Jamaraat, i.e. after each Rami. But do not make Dua after the Rami of the third Jamaraat (Jamaraat Uqba). After completing the Rami, return immediately to your place of stay. THE 12th ZIL-HAJJ (fifth day of Hajj): On the 12th, repeat the Rami of the three Jamaraat in the same way. You are now free to leave Makkah Muazzamah. THE 13th ZIL-HAJJ (sixth day of Hajj): Although not incumbent, it is nevertheless Afdhal (meritorious and best) to repeat the Rami of the three Jamaraat on the 13th. This should be done after zawaal. Thereafter return to Makkah.DEPARTURE: When departing from Makkah Muazzamah for home, perform Tawaaf-e-Wida (farewell Tawaaf) which is Wajib. Then perform two rakats Tawaaf Salat near to Maqaam-e-Ibrahim. Go then to the well of Zam Zam. Drink of its water while gazing at Baitullah Shareef. Now go to the Multazam and pour out your heart in fervent Dua. Thereafter make Istilaam of Hajr-eAswad and cast your gaze on the Ka’bah and depart with a heart filled with sadness.



Hajj has three Fardh acts. If anyone of these is omitted, the Hajj will not be valid. These Fardh acts are: 1) Ihraam: This consists of the Niyaat (intention) of Hajj and reciting the Talbiyah. 2) Wuqoof-e-Arafat on the 9th Zil Hajj at any time from after zawaal until Subh Saadiq on the 10th Zil Hajj, even if for a moment. 3) Tawaaf-e-Ziyaraat: This Tawaaf is made at any time from Subh Saadiq on the 10th Zil Hajj until 12th Zil Hajj after the head has been shaved or the hair clipped. If anyone of these Fardh acts has been omitted, the Hajj is invalidated and qadhaa of the Hajj will have to be made.



Certain acts in Hajj are Wajib. Omission of Wajib acts does not invalidate the Hajj. However, compensation has to be offered. For different omissions of Wajib acts the penalty or compensation will vary. There are six Wajib acts in Hajj. 1) To stop in Muzdalifah (to make Wuqoof) during the night of the 10th Zil Hajj. 2) Sa-ee between Safa and Marwah. 3) Rami (pelting) of the Jamaraat. 4) Qurbaani, if one is performing Qiraan or Tamattu. 5) Halq (to shave the head) or Qasr (to clip the hair). 6) Tawaaf-e-Wida (the farewell Tawaaf). All other acts besides the Fardh and Wajib acts are Sunnat and Mustahab.



The following are the differences between the Ihraam of a woman and a man:

-A woman is permitted to wear sewn garments.

-It is permissible for a women to wear colorful garments. However, neither the garments nor her body should be perfumed.

-It is obligatory that she keeps her head covered.

-During Ihraam she cannot wear a Niqaab (face-veil) which touches her face.

-During Tawaaf women neither make Ramal nor Idhtiba.

-During Sa-ee women do not run.

-Women have to recite the Talbiyah inaudibly.

-When there are crowds, the Wajib act of Rami of the Jamaraat is waived for women.

-During haidh (menses) they should neither perform Tawaaf nor Sa-ee.

-On account of haidh if Tawaaf-e-Ziyarat (whih must be performed) is delayed until after the 12th Zil Hajj, there is no penalty on them.



Since Tawaaf-e-Ziyarat id Fardh, it cannot be omitted. As long as this Tawaaf has not been performed, the Hajji will remain in Ihraam. All sexual relations will remain unlawful. A female pilgrim overtaken by haidh will have to delay her departure until attaining purity to enable her to discharge the obligation of Tawaaf-e-Ziyarat.



On completion of Tawaf (seven Shauts) two rakats Salat have to be performed. It is Wajib to perform these two rakats for all kinds of Tawaaf-Fardh, Wajib, Sunnat or Nafil.



The sign of Haj-e-Mabroor a Hajj accepted by Allah Ta’ala is an improved spiritual condition. The sign of having achieved an improvement in one’s spiritual life is eagerness and yearning to follow the Sunnah, decrease of worldly love and love for Aakhirah.

source : http://www.inkofscholars.com
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