Monday 22nd of July 2024
نفر 0

afflictions of Imam Husain

The author of the book Shaikh Abbas Qummi says that: My teacher Haj Mirza Husain Noori (May Allah enlighten his grave) has related traditions to me with complete general permission to narrate from him. Mirza Husain Noori has got permission (to relate) from the Sign of Allah (Ayatullah) Haj Shaikh Murtaza Ansari (May Allah sheath him with His Mercy), who has got it from the Honourable Master Haj Mulla Ahmed Naraqi, from our Noble Master Sayyed Mahdi Bahrul Uloom, from the Chief of Chiefs, our Master Aqa Moham mad Baqir Behbahani renowned as \"Waheed\", from his father Mulla Mohammad Akmal, from the Divine Scholar Mulla Mohammad Baqir Majlisi Isfahani, from his father Mulla Mohammad Taqi Majlisi, from our Honourable Shaikh Mohammad Ameli renowned as Bahauddin (Shaikh Bahai), from his father Shaikh Husain bin Abdas Samad Ameli Harisi, from Shaikh Zainuddin (Shaheed-as-Sani, the second Martyr), from Shaikh Ali bin Abdul Ali Meesi, from Shaikh Mohammad bin Dawood Jazzini, from Ali bin Mohammad, from his father Mohammad bin Maki (Shaheed-al-Awwal, the first Martyr), from Mohammad bin Allamah Hilli, from his father Allamah Hilli, from Ja\'far bin Sa\'eed Hilli, from Fakhar bin Ma\'eed Musawi, from Imaduddin Tabarsi, from Abu Ali (Mufeed-as-Sani, the second Mufeed), from his father Shaikh Toosi, from Shaikh Mufeed, from the Honourable Shaikh Sadooq, from majeluya Qummi, from Ali bin Ibrahim Qummi, from his father Ibrahim bin Hashim Qummi, from Rayyan bin Shabeeb (the maternal uncle of Mo\'tasim), who says that I went to meet Imam Ali ar Reza (a.s) on the first

day of the month of Moharram. Imam Reza (a.s) asked me,

\"O son of Shabeeb! Are you in the state of fasting today\"?

I replied in the negative. Imam continued,

\"This is the day when Prophet Zakariyyah (a.s) prayed to his Lord thus

\"Lord grant me from unto Thee a good offspring, Verily Thou art the Hearer of Prayers\"[1]< /p>

Then Allah accepted his Prayers and commanded His Angels to go and give him glad tidings regarding the birth of his son Prophet Yahya (a.s). The Angels came and called out to him while he was engaged in Prayers in the niche. Hence the one who fasts on this day and asks for his desires from Allah, his prayer will be answered as was of Zakariyah.\"

Then Imam (a.s) said,

\"O son of Shabeeb! Moharram is such a month that the Arabs of the age of ignorance (pre-Islamic) too respected it\'s sanctity and forbade oppression and blood-shed in it. But these people (the umayyads) did not honour the sanctity of this month nor of their Prophet. In this month they killed the son of the Prophet and imprisoned the women-folk after looting and plundering their belongings, verily Allah will never ever forgive this crime of theirs.\"

\"O son of Shabeeb! If you wish to mourn and lament over anyone, do so upon Husain bin Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s) for he was beheaded like a lamb. Eighteen persons from among his family, who were unparalleled in the earth, were also killed alongwith him. The heavens and the earth lamented the death of Husain. Four thousand Angels descended from the heavens to aid him, but when they reached there they saw that he had already been mar tyred. Thus, now they all remain near his blessed grave with disheveled hair covered with dust until the rising of the Qaem (Imam al Mahdi). Then they will all aid him and their slogan will be: Vengeance for the blood of Husain.\"

\"O son of Shabeeb! My father (Imam Moosa al Kazim) has related from his father (Imam Ja\'far as Sadiq), who has related from his grandfather (Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen), that when my grandfather Imam Husain (a.s) was mar tyred, the sky rained blood and red sand.\"

\"O son of Shabeeb! If you weep over the afflictions of Husain (a.s) such that tears flow from your eyes and fall upon your cheeks, Allah will forgive all your sins whether big or small and less or large in number.\"

\"O son of Shabeeb! If you desire to meet Allah the Glorified in a state purified of all sins, then go for the pilgrimage to the grave of Imam Husain

[1] Surah-al-Ale Imran: 38.


\"O son of Shabeeb! If you desire that you may abide in the palaces of Paradise in the company of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) and his Progeny, then invoke Allah\'s curse upon the murderers of Imam Husain (a.s).\"

\"O son of Shabeeb! If you desire to earn the reward of those who were martyred alongwith Imam Husain (a.s), then whenever you remember him, say: I wish I had been with them, then I too would have attained the Great Triumph.\"

\"O son of Shabeeb! If you desire to reside in the exalted status of Para dise alongwith us, then bemoan our sorrows and sufferings and rejoice in our happiness and remain attached to our love. For even if a person is attached to a stone in this world, Allah shall make him arise with it on the day of Qiyamah.\"

Tradition 2

Through successive chain of authorities, the Noble Shaikh Mohammad bin No\'man al Mufeed (May Allah sanctify his spirit) relates from the Noble Shaikh Abul Qasim Ja\'far bin Mohammad Qawlawayh Qummi (May Allah scent his grave), from Ibne Waleed, from Saffar, from Ibne Abul Khattab, from Moham mad bin Isma\'il, from Saleh bin Aqbah, from Abu Haroon Makfoof, who says that once I went to the presence of Imam Ja\'far as Sadiq (a.s). Imam told me to recite some couplets to which I started reciting. Then Imam (a.s) said,

\"Not like this, recite as you do so for him (Imam Husain) among yourselves and (standing) on the head of his grave.\"

Then I recited, \"While passing by the grave of Husain tell his blessed bones…\" Then Imam (a.s) started weeping and hence I became silent. Imam Sadiq told me to continue and recite some more, thus I recited \"O Farwa! Arise and weep and lament upon your Master Husain, give an opportunity to weep over the corpse of Husain.\" Abu Haroon continues that Imam Sadiq wept bitterly and the women of his household too wept. When they became silent, Imam said,

\"O Abu Haroon! If a person recites couplets about Imam Husain (a.s) and makes ten people weep by it then Paradise is reserved for him at that very mo ment.\"

Then Imam started reducing the number of persons till he reached one and said,

\"If a person recites couplets about Imam Husain (a.s) and makes a single person weep by it, then Paradise is reserved for him at that very moment.\"

Imam retorted,

\"Anyone who remembers Imam Husain (a.s) and weeps over him, shall have

Paradise (as his reward).\"

The author (Shaikh Abbas Qummi) says that the couplets recited by Abu Haroon were the ones composed by Sayyed al Himyari and which has been explicitly quoted by Shaikh Ibne Nima.

Tradition 3

Through successive chain of authorities, Shaikh Sadooq relates from his chain of authorities from Ibne Abbas that, Imam Ali (a.s) asked the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s), \"Do you hold Aqeel dear to yourself\"? The Prophet replied,

\"Yes by Allah! I do hold him dear due to two reasons. The first being that I personally hold him dear, second being that Abu Talib loved him, and that his son (Muslim) will die befriending your son (Imam Husain). And verily the eyes of the believers will weep (over his martyrdom) and the Angels close to Allah will send blessings upon him.\"

The Prophet started weeping and tears fell upon his chest, then he said,

\"I complain to Allah regarding that (pain and sufferings) which my Progeny will have to bear after my death.\"

Tradition 4

Through successive chain of narrators, the Honourable Shaikh Abul Qasim Ja\'far bin Qawlawayh relates from Musme\' Kardeen who says that one day Imam Ja\'far as Sadiq (a.s) told me,

\"O Musme\'! Being a resident of Iraq do you go for the pilgrimage to the grave of Imam Husain (a.s)\"?

I replied, \"No, for the people of Basra know me well and they are the adherents of the Caliph and there are numerous enemies from the nasibies (those who bear enmity towards the Prophet\'s Ahlulbait) of the clans and others around us. I fear lest they malign me in presence of the sons of Sulayman (bin Abdul Malik, the Abbaside Caliph), who would then torture and harass me.\" Then Imam said,

\"Then do you remember the troubles which were inflicted on Imam Husain\"

and I replied in the affirmative. Imam again asked,

\"Are you then disturbed by it\"?

I replied, \"Verily yes, by Allah! And this grief effects me such that the people of my family see this (it\'s effects) upon my face, and I even leave my meals while this sorrow becomes apparent on my cheeks.\" Imam Sadiq said,

\"May Allah have mercy upon your tears! Verily you are of those people who are afflicted by our grief, those who rejoice at our prosperity and lament over our sorrows, and who are attached to us in our time of dread and peace. In fact when you die, you will find our Blessed Forefathers close to

you and they will counsel the Angel of death regarding you, and glad tidings shall be given to you which will illuminate your eyes. Then he shall be more compassionate and merciful towards you than a mother is to her son.\"

Saying this Imam started weeping and I too could not control my tears. Then he continued,

\"Praise be to Allah, Who with His Mercy, has exalted us over all creatures, and favoured our Household (Ahlulbait) with His blessings. O Musme\'! Verily the heavens and the earth have been lamenting since the time the Commander of the faithful Ali (a.s) was martyred. The Angels who weep over us are numerous, and their tears have never dried up from the time of our martyrdom, and there is none who does not lament over us. And no one weeps over us and our afflictions, accept that Allah sends His blessings upon him before his tears fall on his cheeks from his eyes. And if one tear, which have fallen from their eyes, is thrown in the pit of hell, it\'s heat would cool down as if no fire ever existed there. The one whose heart feels pain for us will rejoice on the day he sees us during his death and (his delight) will remain intact till he meets us at the fountain of Kausar. Kausar itself will be contented to see our friends, and such delicacies will be placed in his mouth, that he will not be ready to move away from there.\"

Tradition 5

Through successive chain of narrators, Shaikh Abul Qasim Ja\'far bin Qawla wayh Qummi, through his chain of authorities, relates from Abdullah bin Bakr, who narrates in the contents of a lenghty tradition that, I performed the Haj Pilgrimage alongwith Imam Ja\'far as Sadiq (a.s) and then said, \"O Son of the Prophet of Allah! If the grave of Imam Husain bin Ali (a.s) is exhumed what will be found therein\"? Imam replied,

\"O son of Bakr! What a great question you have asked. Verily Imam Husain bin Ali (a.s), together with his father, mother and brother is in the presence of the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s). And he eats (of the bounties) with all of them, and is on the right side of the Empyrean (Arsh) and is bonded with them and says: O Allah, fulfill what You had promised me. Then he looks at the pilgrims who have come to his grave with their names and the names of their fathers, and he knows what they have brought in their luggage more better than they know their sons. And he looks at those who weeps over his afflictions and prays to Allah for their contentment and self-sufficiency. Then he says: O one who weeps over me! If you are informed about the rewards and bounties which Allah has reserved for you (because of your mourning), then you would be more delighted than the grief. Then he seeks pardon for all their sins and faults.\"

Tradition 6

Through successive chain of authorities, the Noble Shaikh and the Chief of Traditionists Mohammad bin Ali bin Babawayh Qummi, through his authorities, quotes Imam Ali ar Reza (a.s) saying that,

\"Whoever remembers our sorrows, and weeps over the oppressions which have been inflicted upon us, then on the day of Qiyamah he shall be on our status alongwith us. And the one who remembers our sorrows and thereby weeps and makes others weep, then his eyes shall not weep on the day when all eyes will be weeping. And the one who sits in such a gathering wherein our matters are discussed, his heart will not die on the day when all hearts shall perish.\"

Tradition 7

Through my chain of transmitters reaching Shaikh ut Taifa Abu Ja\'far Toosi, who relates from Shaikh Mufeed, who relates from Ibne Qawlawayh, from his father, from Sa\'ad, from Barqi, from Sulayman bin Muslim Kindi, from Ibne Ghazawan, from Isa bin Abi Mansoor, from Aban bin Taghlib, who relates from Imam Ja\'far as Sadiq (a.s) that he said,

\"The sorrowful sigh over the oppression which have been inflicted upon us is glorification, and grief upon us is worship. And guarding our secrets carries the reward of struggle in the path of Allah.\"

Then he retorted,

\"Verily it is necessary that this tradition be written in gold.\"

Tradition 8

Through his chain of transmitters, the Jurist Shaikh Abul Qasim Ja\'far bin Qawlawayh relates from Ibne Kharejah that Imam Ja\'far as Sadiq (a.s) said that Imam Husain (a.s) says,

\"I am the Martyr of grief and was martyred in captivity. And it is (incumbent) upon Allah to send the one who comes to visit my grave in sorrow, to reach contented back to his family.\"

Tradition 9

It has been related by Shaikhat Taifa Toosi, through successive chain of narrators from Abu Amr Usman Daqqaq, from Ja\'far bin Mohammad bin Malik, from Ahmed bin Yahya Azdi, from Makhool bin Ibraheem, from Rabi\' bin Mu nzir, from his father who quotes Imam Husain bin Ali (a.s) as saying that,

\"There is no slave of Allah who sheds tears and his eyes become wet, except that Allah will put him in Paradise for a (lenghty) period.\"

Ahmed bin Yahya Azdi says that one day I saw Imam Husain (a.s) in a dream

and in quired from him regarding the validity of the tradition and the Imam re plied that it was true.

Tradition 10

Through chain of transmitters, Shaikh Abul Qasim Ja\'far bin Qawlawayh re lates through his chain of transmitters from Abu Ammarah, the Nawha reci tor, that one day the name of Imam Husain (a.s) was taken in the presence of Imam Ja\'far as Sadiq (a.s) and he did not even smile till the night, and he would always say,

\"Husain is the means of weeping for all believ ers.\"

Tradition 11

Through my chain of transmitters connected to the Honourable Shaikh Ali bin Ibrahim Qummi who relates from his father, from Ibne Mahboob, from Ala\', from Mohammad, from Imam Mohammad al Baqir (a.s) who said that, Imam Ali bin Husain Zainul Abedeen (a.s) said,

\"If a believer weeps over the mar tyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s) and tears flow from his eyes and fall on his cheeks, then Allah will make him reside in the palaces of Paradise where he shall abide for a lengthy period of time. And if tears flow from a be‌liever\'s eyes (in sorrow) and falls upon his cheeks for the oppression and tyranny which has been inflicted upon us by our enemies, then Allah will present him a seat in Paradise. And the believer who undergoes sufferings on our behalf and tears flow on his cheeks, then Allah will remove sorrow from his face, and on the day of Qiyamah will keep him away from His wrath and safeguard him against the fire (of hell).\"

Tradition 12

Through chain of transmitters, Shaikh Sadooq Mohammad bin Ali bin Babawayh Qummi relates from his father (Ibne Babawayh Awwal), from the Master of Qummis Abdullah bin Ja\'far Humayri, from Ahmed bin Ishaq bin Sa\'ad, from Bakr bin Mohammad Azdi that Imam Ja\'far as Sadiq (a.s) once told Fuzayl that,

\"Do you discuss our traditions when you sit in each others company\"?

Fuzayl replied, \"Yes we certainly do so, may I be your ransom\"! Imam said,

\"Whoever remembers our traditions, or in whose presence we are discussed and tear equal to the size of a wing of a fly flow from his eyes, Allah will forgive all his sins although they be equal in number to the foam (of the water) of the river.\"

Tradition 13

Through my chain of transmitters (I relate) from the Noble Shaikh, the Master of Traditionists, Mohammad bin Ali bin Babawayh Qummi (Shaikh Sa dooq) who relates from Abi Ammarah (the elegizer, Nawha recitor) that he says that, Imam Ja\'far as Sadiq (a.s) told me,

\"Recite some couplets in praise of Imam Husain (a.s).\"

I recited the couplets and Imam started weeping. Again I recited some more and he wept. I continued my recital and Imam wept each time until his entire Household started lamenting. Then Imam said,

\"O Abu Ammarah! A person who recites couplets for Imam Husain (a.s) and makes fifty people weep, his reward is Paradise. And a person who recites couplets for Imam Husain (a.s) and makes thirty people weep, his reward is Paradise. And a person who recites couplets and makes twenty people weep, his reward is Paradise. And a person who recites couplets for Imam Husain (a.s) and makes ten people weep, his reward is Paradise. While a person who recites couplets for Imam Husain (a.s) and makes one person weep, his reward is Paradise. While a person who recites couplets for Imam Husain (a.s), and himself weeps, his reward is Paradise. And whoever recites a couplet for Imam and himself is agrieved, his reward is Paradise.\"

Tradition 14

Through successive chain of transmitters reaching Ja\'far bin Qawlawayh Qummi, who relates from Haroon bin Moosa Tal\'ukbari, from Umar bin Abdul Aziz Kashshi, from Umar bin Sabah, from Ibne Isa, from Yahya bin Imran, from Mohammad bin Sinan, from Zayd bin Shiham, who says that, I was sitting in the presence of Imam Ja\'far as Sadiq (a.s) with a group of people from Kufah, when Ja\'far bin Affan entered. Imam welcomed him, signaled him to sit closer to him and then said,

\"O Ja\'far\"

he said, \"Here I am (at your service), may I be your ransom\"!

Imam said,

\"I have heard that you recite elegies for Imam Husain (a.s), and that you recite it very well.\"

He replied, \"Yes, may I be your ransom.\" He recited and the Imam started weeping, and all those who were present there too started weeping, until Imam\'s beard was soaked in tears. Then he said,

\"O Ja\'far! By Allah! The Angels close to Allah have descended here and heard your couplets for Imam Husain (a.s) and wept like us and even more. The Almighty Allah has re served Paradise for you at this very moment and

has forgiven your sins. O Ja\'far! Do you want to hear something more\"?

Ja\'far replied in the af firmative and Imam continued,

\"There is none who recites elegies in the praise of Imam Husain (a.s) and himself weeps besides making others weep, except that Allah will make Paradise obligatory for him and forgive him.\"

Tradition 15

Through successive chain of transmitters, Shaikh Sadooq relates from Ibne Masroor, from Ibne Amir, from his uncle, from Ibrahim bin Abi Mahmood, who says that Imam Ali ar Reza (a.s) said,

\"Moharram is a month in which bloodshed was considered unlawful by the pre-Islamic pagan Arabs, but our blood was shed in this month. Our sanctity was violated and our children & women-folk were made captives. Our tents were set ablaze and whatever was found therein was looted. And they did not even honour the relation, which we share with the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s). The day on which Imam Husain (a.s) was martyred has injured our eyes and our tears are constantly flowing since then. Our dear ones were dishonoured on the plains of grief and trials (Karbo bala) making way for sorrows and sufferings until Qiyamah. Thus, sorrowful people should mourn over it (the martyrdom of Imam Husain), for weeping upon it nullifies the major sins.\"

Then he said,

\"When the month of Moharram would approach, no one would see my father (Imam Moosa al Kazim) ever laughing until the tenth, and grief would prevail upon him. And the tenth would be the day of sorrow, grief and lamenting, and he would say: This is the day when Husain (a.s) was massacred.\"

Tradition 16

Through my connecting chain of transmitters reaching Shaikh Sadooq, who re lates from Talqani, from Ahmed Hamadani, from Ali bin Hasan bin Fazzal who relates from his father that Imam Ali ar Reza (a.s) said,

\"Whoever avoids attending to his worldly affairs on the tenth of Moharram, Allah will fulfill all the wishes and desires of this world as well as the hereafter. Whoever considers this day to be a day of mourning, sorrow and weeping for himself, Allah the Glorified will make the day of Qiyamah to be a day of rejoicing for him and his eyes will be cooled in Paradise on account of us. And whoever considers the tenth of Moharram to be a day of prosperity and buys something for his house (considering it a good omen), then Allah will not give him affluence in that thing. And on the day of Qiyamah he will be made to arise alongwith Yazeed, Ubaydullah bin Ziyad

and Umar ibne Sa\'ad (may Allah\'s curse be on all of them) and will be thrown into the lowest abyss of hell.\"

Tradition 17

Through successive chain of transmitters, Shaikh Sadooq relates from the Holy Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.s) that he said, that Prophet Moosa bin Imran (a.s) supplicated to Allah and said,

\"O my Lord! My brother has died, thus forgive him.\"

It was revealed to him,

\"O Moosa! If you desire, I shall forgive all the people from the beginning until the end, except the murderers of Husain (a.s), for I shall surely take revenge from them.\"

Tradition 18

Through my connecting chain of transmitters reaching the Honourable Shaikh Abul Qasim Ja\'far bin Qawlawayh Qummi, who relates with his chain of au thorities, that Imam Ja\'far as Sadiq (a.s) said,

\"The murderers of both, Prophet Yahya (a.s) as well as Imam Husain (a.s) were illegitimate. The heavens have not wept, except on account of the martyrdom of both of them.\"

Tradition 19

Through successive chain of transmitters, the Noble Shaikh Ja\'far bin Qawlawayh relates with his chain of authorities from Dawood Raqqi, who says that once I was in the presence of Imam Ja\'far as Sadiq (a.s) when he asked for water to drink. When he drank it, grief overtook him and his eyes became full of tears. Then he said,

\"O Dawood! May Allah\'s curse be upon the murderers of Imam Husain (a.s). There is no servant (of Allah) who drinks water and remembers Husain and curses his enemies, except that Allah writes one lac virtues in his record, and forgives one lac sins of his, and elevates his position one lac times. It is as if he has freed one lac slaves, and on the day of Qiyamah he shall arise satiated.\"

Tradition 20

Through successive chain of transmitters, the Honourable Shaikh Abul Qasim Ja\'far bin Qawlawayh relates from the Noble Shaikh, the Trustworthy (Au thority) of Islam, Mohammad bin Ya\'qoob Kulaini, who relates with his chain of authorities from Dawood bin Farqad, who says that I was seated in the house of Imam Ja\'far as Sadiq (a.s) when we saw a pigeon (called Zaghabi) humming. Imam turned towards me and asked,


\"O Dawood! Do you know what this bird is saying\"?

I replied in the negative. Imam said,

\"It curses the murderers of Imam Husain (a.s), thus preserve such pigeons in your houses.\"

Tradition 21

Through successive chain of transmitters, the Sign of Allah (Ayatullah), the Eminent Scholar Allamah Hilli relates from the Sovereign of Investiga tors Khwaja Nasiruddin Mohammad bin Mohammad Toosi, from the Learned Shaikh and Traditionist Burhan Mohammad bin Mohammad bin Ali Hamadani Qazwini (who had settled in Ray), from the Honourable Shaikh Muntajabuddin Ali bin Ubaydullah bin Hasan Qummi, from his father, from his grandfather, from the Noble Shaikh Abil Fath Mohammad bin Ali bin Usman Karajaki, from Mohammad bin Abbas, with his chain of narrators from Hasan bin Mahboob, who relates with his chain of narrators from Sandul, from Darim bin Firqad who says that Imam Ja\'far as Sadiq (a.s) said that,

\"Recite Surah al Fajr in your obligatory (wajib) and superarogatory (Nafilah) morning Prayers, for it is particularly related to Imam Husain (a.s). Have you not heard the words of Allah the Exalted in this Verse (Ayah):

O Tranquilled Soul at (complete) rest! Return to your Lord, well-pleased (with Him), (and) His being well-pleased with you.\"[1]

Here Imam Husain (a.s) is referred to as the

\"Tranquilled Soul, well-pleased (with Allah) and His being well-pleased with him.\"

His companions from the family of the Proph et, are those who will be pleased with Allah on the day of Qiyamah and Allah too will be pleased with them. Verily this Surah is particularly connected to Imam Husain, his followers (Shi\'ah), and the followers (Shi\'ah) of the Progeny of Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.s). The one who contin uously recites this Surah will remain with Imam Husain (a.s) in Paradise in his elevated station, and verily Allah is Predominant and All-Wise.\"[2]

[1] Surah al Fajr: 27-30.

[2] S.V.Mir Ahmed Ali in his interpretation of the above Verse comments: \"The human soul passes through states or stages. The state in which the soul seeks fulfilment of his lower desire, crossing the limits prescribed by Allah\'s laws, is called Nafsul Ammarah (the soul of lasciviousness), and the soul which reproaches against the rebellious intentions, is called Nafsul Lawwama (the self accusing soul). And the soul which has conquered all desires and surrendered

Tradition 22

Through successive chain of narrators, the Honourable and felicitous Shaikh Abu Ja\'far Toosi, through his chain of transmitters, relates from Mohammad bin Muslim, who says that I have heard Imam Mohammad al Baqir (a.s) and Imam Ja\'far as Sadiq (a.s) as saying that,

\"Indeed the reward and compen sation given by Allah for the martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s) is that Imamate has been issued forth from his progeny, there is cure in (the earth of) his grave, the fulfillment of desires at the head of his grave, and from the time the pilgrim goes to visit his grave and returns back, no accounting will be taken (from him).\"

Mohammad bin Muslim asked Imam Sadiq (a.s), \"These rewards are (for the people) on account of Imam, but what about the reward for him.\" Imam replied,

\"Indeed Almighty Allah has united him with the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) and Imam remains with the Prophet in his station and position.\"

Then he recited the following verse of the Qur\'an:

\"And (as for) those who believe and their offspring follow them in faith, We will unite with them their offspring.\"[1]

Tradition 23

Through successive chain of authorities, the Noble Shaikh Abul Qasim Ja\'far bin Sa\'eed (Muhaqqiq Hilli) relates from the Noble Sayyed Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Ali bin Zuhra Husainee Halabi (May his grave be scented), from the Master Traditionist, the Rightly Guide of the Nation and Religion, Mohammad bin Ali bin Shahr Ashob Sarawi, who quotes from the Honourable Shaikh Ahmed bin Abu Talib Tabarsi\'s book Ehtijaj under a lengthy tradition dealing with Sa\'ad bin Abdullah Ash\'ari\'s meeting with Imam al Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), in which Sa\'ad asked Imam al Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) the interpreta tion regarding the words: Kaf, Ha, Ya, Ain, Swad in Surah al Maryam. Imam replied,

\"These words are from the concealed codes regarding which Allah informed His Servant the Prophet Zakariyah (a.s) and regarding which it was revealed to the Holy Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.s). The incident is as

itself to the Lord, is called Nafsul Mutma\'innah (the tranquilled soul) the satisfied one, i.e. at rest in peace and perfect harmony with the Divine Will, triumphed over every kind of passion, desire, sorrow, pain, disappointment, for the sake of any enjoy ment of this life, getting totally mindful of pleasing the Lord and none else. This is the highest stage of the spiritual progress the human soul in this world achieves, must strive for.\"

[1] Surah at Toor: 21.

follows: Prophet Zakariyah (a.s) asked his Lord to teach him the names of the Five Pure Ones, to which Jibra\'eel descended and taught him the five names. Whenever Prophet Zakariyah (a.s) recited the four names, Mohammad (s.a.w.s), Ali (a.s), Fatemah (a.s) and Hasan (a.s), his heart would be enlightened and his sorrow would part away, but when he took the name of Husain (a.s) he would become sorrowful and turn restless. One day he asked Allah Almighty, \"My Lord! When I utter the names of these four Pure Per‌sonalities, my sorrow parts away, but when I take the name of Husain, I turn sorrowful and weep & wail.\" Then Allah, the Mighty the Sublime re vealed to him regarding Kaf, Ha, Ya, Ain, Swad. Kaf stands for Karbala, and Ha for Halakah (perdition) of the Prophet\'s Household, Ya for Yazeed, the oppresser and murderer of Husain (a.s), Ain for Atash (thirst), and Swad for (Sabr) Patience and forbearance of Husain. When Prophet Zakariyah heard this he was so much grieved that for three consecutive days he refused to come out of his place of worship and did not permit people to meet him, and remained grief-stricken and wept profusely. And he recited the following elegy: O Lord! Will you let the best of Creatures see the plight of his son? O Lord! Will you allow this disaster to fall upon his House-hold? O Lord! Will you let Ali and Fatemah wear the dress of grief and will they witness this calamity\"? He (Prophet Zakariyah) would always say, \"O Lord! Bestow upon me with a son who would be the light of my eyes in my old-age, and when you present me with a son make my love intense for him and then let me taste the grief of his loss as Your Friend Mohammad (s.a.w.s) who will mourn the death of his son. Thus Allah blessed Prophet Zakariyah (a.s) with a son Prophet Yahya (a.s) whose death was mourned by Prophet Zakariyah. Prophet Yahya (a.s)\'s period of (his mother\'s) pregnan cy was six months similar to that of Imam Husain (a.s).\"

Tradition 24

Through chain of authorities reaching the Pillar of Islam Shaikh Sadooq, who relates from his chain of narrators from Abil Jarood, who says that Imam Mohammad al Baqir (a.s) said that, one day the Holy Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.s) was in the house of the mother of the faithful Ummu-Salamah (a.s), his wife, and told her not to allow anyone to visit him. Imam Husain (a.s), who was a child at that time, entered therein and rushed to the Prophet. Ummu-Salamah (a.s) followed him and saw Imam Husain seated on the chest of the Prophet and the Prophet was weeping. In his hand there was something which he was turning upside down. Then he said,

\"O Ummu-Salamah! Jibra\'eel has come to me and reported that my Husain will be martyred and this earth is of his place of martyrdom. Preserve this with you, and the day this earth turns into blood, know then that Husain has been martyred.\"


Ummu-Salamah said, \"O Prophet of Allah! Pray to Allah to relieve Husain from this calamity.\" The Prophet replied,

\"Yes I prayed to Allah for it, but Allah revealed to me that due to his martyrdom, a status will be bestowed on him, which will be unapproachable by anyone else. And he will be having such followers (Shi\'ah) who will intercede (on the day of Qiyamah) and their intercession (Shafa\'ah) will be accepted. And that Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) will be from his progeny. Hence how good for them who will befriend Husain and will be among his followers (Shi\'ah). For verily on the day of Qiyamah they will be successful.\"

source : http://www.coiradio.com
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