Wednesday 6th of November 2024
نفر 0

Hazrat Ali (a.s) supplication for memorizing the Quran

In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.

O Allah bestow upon me Your mercy so that I am away from Your disobedience and bestow the grace that I am not involved in unbearable difficulties,

and grant me the goodness for deeds which makes You happy with me, and make the memorizing of Your book (the Holy Quran) obligatory on me as You have granted me it's knowledge, and bestow Your grace so that I recite it in the way Your pleasure is gained.

O Allah illuminate my eyes, expand my breast, illuminate my heart and my tongue flows with the Holy Quran.

Give me the strength so that I use my body for the Holy Quran, grant me Your help because there is no helper other than You and there is no lord other that You

source : http://www.duas.org
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