Sunday 29th of September 2024
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The Holy Zarih (Burial Chamber)

In the year 965 A.H./1557 A.D., Shah Tahmasab Safavi made a Zarih (burial chamber) made of bricks which were covered with seven-colours tiles with glazed epigraphs. On all the four sides of the zarih there were openings through which the holy grave was seen and the pilgrims poured their offerings through them.


After some years Shah Tahmasab Safavi ordered for the construction of a zarih made of white and clear iron which was fixed to the zarih made of bricks.


In the year 1230 A.H./1814 A.D., Fath Ali Shah Qajar covered that iron zarih with silver. This zarih was corroded with the lapse of time. Thus, in the year 1280 A.H./1863 A.D., a new zarih was made of silver from the existing zarih and the silver preserved in the treasury of the holy shrine and placed on the grave.


That zarih was renovated many times and in the year 1969, a new z

source : http://www.masoumeh.com
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