Sunday 29th of September 2024
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The Mosques in the Holy Shrine

Balasar mosque is considered as the most beautiful portico in the holy shrine where religious functions and congregational prayers are performed. During the Safavid era it was the inn of the holy shrine but during the Qajar period it was developed into a mosque with two big domes. This portico is also considered as the largest roofed building of the holy shrine.


In the year 1338 A.H./1919 A.D., the land lying on the western side of the mosque was included in the mosque thus increasing the area of the mosque.


After the construction of the Masjid-i Azam the Balasar mosque was   positioned between the holy burial chamber and the Masjid-i Azam. The old structure of the mosque was renovated completely and the present mosque was constructed. The present building of the mosque was built   based on special patterns of Islamic architecture and is considered as one of the grand buildings of the holy shrine.

source : http://www.masoumeh.com
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