Wednesday 3rd of July 2024
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Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.), the most beautiful religious complex in the world part 2

Quds Cultural Organization
This organization was established by Astan Quds Razavi to publish newspapers and magazines. This organization publishes a large circulating multi-coloured daily newspaper "Quds" in Persian, which is published every morning simultaneously from Tehran and Mashhad.
The Quds daily recently has gone on internet and its website address is as follows:
This organization also publishes a magazine titled "Za'ir" (pilgrim) for the information and knowledge of the pilgrims visiting the holy shrine of Imam Reza(A.S.)

Artistic Creativity Center
This center was established in 1990 to train skilled artists in various fields of Islamic arts like calligraphy, painting and illumination.This organization has recently inaugurated a modern sophisticated cultural centre in the heart of the holy city of Mashhad.

Physical Training Organization of the Astan Quds Razavi
Physical Training Organization of the Astan Quds Razavi has also constructed many fully equipped multi-purpose sports complexes like stadiums,gymnasiums and swimming pools in the city of Mashhad.The sports facilities developed by the Astan Quds Razavi is the largest non-governmental sports facilities in Islamic Republic of Iran and the Islamic countries.

The Industrial and Commericial Units of the Astan Quds Razavi
Astan Quds Razavi has established many industrial and production companies and firms in order to participate in the development of economy of the country as well as to generate new income to the holy shrine. Astan Quds Razavi has established till now 63 companies and industries in the field of carpet weaving,. bread-baking, cold storage and conservatives, mosaic tiles, granite stones, sugar, textile,bus manufacturing, serum production, transport, commerce, water and soil, wood industry and the Sarakhs Free Economic Zone.

The Agricultural Units of the Astan Quds Razavi
Astan Quds Razavi in order to revive and develop the agricultural properties and holdings endowed to the holy shrine, is carrying out tremendous activities in the field of agriculture, forestry, gardening, animal husbandry, horticulture and agro based industries.

History of the Holy Shrine
The holy city of Mashhad is the administrative capital of the Khorasan province. Its present population is nearing two and half millions and occupies an area of more than 200 square kilometers. It is situated in the north-east of Iran between Binalood and Hazar mountain ranges. It is 945 kilometers away from Tehran and its altitude is 980 meters above the sea level. At present Mashhad is the second largest city in Islamic Republic of Iran after Tehran.
In the beginning of the third century Hijrah, Mashhad was a small village called Sanabad, situated 24 kilometers away from Toos. The summer palace of Humaid bin Qahtabah, the governor of Khorasan, during the end of the second century Hijrah was situated in that village. Harun al-Rashid, the Abbasid caliph, in order to put down the insurrection of Rafeh ibn Laith, went on an expedition to Transoxania. In 193 A.H./ 808 A.D., when he reached Toos, he became critically ill and died. He was buried under the hall of the palace of Humaid bin Qahtabah, in the Sanabad village.
The city of Mashhad came into existence when Imam Reza (A.S.), the eighth Shi'ite Emam, after his martyrdom at the hands of Mamun, the Abbasid caliph (born. 786 A.D., ruled. 813-833 A.D.); on the last day of the month of Safar 203 A.H. / 5 September 818 A.D., was buried in the palace of Humaid bin Qahtabah beside the grave of Harun al-Rashid.
After this event, the mausoleum of Imam Reza (A.S.) became the pilgrimage center of the Shi'ites and the lovers of the Holy Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.) in the world and the small village of Sanabad was soon transformed into a flourishing city called as Mashhad ar-Reza (tomb sanctuary of Imam Reza (A.S.) also briefly called Mashhad. Mashhad literally means a place where a martyr has been buried.
By the end of the third century Hijrah, a dome was built on the grave of Imam Reza (A.S.) and many buildings and bazaars sprang around the holy shrine. Followers of the Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.), from various parts of the world started visiting Mashhad for pilgrimage. In 383 A.H. / 993 A.D., Sebuktigin, the Ghaznevid sultan devastated Mashhad and stopped the pilgrims from visiting the holy shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.). But in 400 A.H./ 1009 A.D., Mahmud of Ghazni (born 971, ruled, 998-1030 A.D.,) started the expansion and renovation of the holy shrine and built many fortifications around the city.
The holy shrine was decorated with fine marbles, quality wooden and stucco works. Mahmud of Ghazni also built the burial chamber on the grave of Imam Reza (A.S.).This square-shaped building which constitutes the center of the Shrine, before adding decorations and additional parts,had been apparently similar to Sang Bast (Tomb of Arsalan Jadhib), because of their simultaneity. According to the earliest tomb inscription of Imam Reza(A.S.), kept in Astan Quds Razavi Museum, then the Shrine construction might have been reconstructed or repaired in 516/1122. This building was damaged severely during the Ghuzz invasion in 548/1153.
After him his son Masud (b. 998 A.D., r. 1030-1040 A.D.) built a wall around the holy shrine and further beautified the holy shrine.
Sultan Sanjar (b. 1086 A.D., r. 1097-1157 A.D.), after the miraculous healing of his son in the holy shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.), renovated the sanctuary and added new buildings within its precincts.
At the time of Sultan Sanjar Saljuqi, after Sharaf al-Din Abu Tahir b. Sa'd b. Ali Qummi repaired the Shrine, he began to construct a dome over it. Later, in 557/1162, however, Chatrgan Zumurrud Malik, daughter of Mahmud Saljuqi, decorated the dadoes with precious hexangular, octagonal and star-shaped tiles. Her name and the date of decoration were inscribed on the tiles.
In 612 A.H./ 1215 A.D., as borne out by inscriptions on certain tiles, Allaudin Khwarezm Shah carried out renovations on the shrine. Two of the prayer niches, embellished with elegant porcelain tiles, as well as those with Kufic inscriptions that adorn the walls to the upper side of the holy burial chamber, bear the name of his vazir Ali bin Muhammad Muqri. A couplet in Persian by Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Abdullah on the wall also carries the date 612 A.H.
During Khwarazm-Shahs peried, Razavi Shrine was paid much attention and some repairment and decoration were made in it. In this era(612/1215), two very glorious embossed thulth (a large Naskh handwriting ) inscriptions in form of square tile work were fixed on both sides of the shrine entrance-by the side of Dar al-Huffaz porch– in which the names and descent of Imam Reza(A.S.) back to Imam Ali (A.S.) were written. Some other inscriptions and three mihrabs(a special place for prayer-leader in mosques) belonging to this age exist in this holy complex.
During the Mongol invasion in 617 A.H. / 1220 A.D., Khorasan was plundered by the invading hordes and the survivors of this massacre took refuge in Mashhad and settled around the holy shrine. Sultan Muhammad Khudabandeh Iljaitu(b. 1282 A.D), the Mongol ruler of Iran converted to Shi'ism and ruled Iran from 703-716 A.H/ 1304-1316 A.D., once again renovated the holy shrine on a grand scale.
Ibn Batutah who visited Mashhad in 734/1333 mentioned the nice tile decorated building of the Shrine and silver Zareeh(burial chamber) over the tomb which might has been built in Iljaitu period. It also seems that the complete construction of the present dome is one of Iljaitu's services.
In 791 A.H., Miran Shah the son of Tamerlane( b. 1336 A.D., r. 1370-1404 A.D.) razed Toos to its foundation and massacred its inhabitants. Toos lost its popularity. and as a result the holy city of Mashhad rose to prominence contributing to the gradual emergence of Mashhad as a major city.
The glorious phase of Mashhad started during the reign of Shahrukh Mirza (b. 1377 A.D., r, 1405-1447) son of Tamerlane and reached its zenith during the reign of Safavid kings who ruled Iran from 1501-1786 A.D. Shahrukh Mirza, whose capital was Herat, regularly visited Mashhad for the pilgrimage of the holy shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.). His wife Gowharshad Agha in 821 A.H./ 1418 A.D., ordered the building of the famous and historical Gowharshad Mosque, which is one of the biggest and most beautiful mosques in the world. This historical mosque is situated beside the holy shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.). During this period the holy shrine developed into an extensive complex comprising various grand historical monuments.
In 8th/14th century, buildings of Astan Quds Razavi included: the Shrine, Bala Sar Mosque (constructed by Abu-al Hassan Iraqi, one of the clerks in Ghaznavi period), some small buildings attached to the north side of the Shrine, and a seminary.
Then, Dar al- Huffaz, between the shrine and the Mosque, Dar al-Siyadah on the west side of Dar al- Huffaz?, and finally "Tawhid Khanah" or "Khazanah" (public treasury) were built on the east side. In addition, three seminaries: Madrisah Parizad, Madrisah Bala Sar, and Madrisah Du Dar were built round the above-mentioned complex during Shahrukh's rule.
In Sultan Hussein Bayqara's era (875/1470-912/1506), Sahn Atiq (the old courtyard) and the main building of the golden porch were founded by Amir 'Ali Shir Nava'ii.
With the emergence of the Safavid dynasty in 1501 A.D. and their declaration of the Shi'ite school as the state religion, Mashhad reached the peak of its development and soon became one of the greatest sites of pilgrimage. However, since Khorasan was a border province of the Safavid Empire, Mashhad consequently suffered repeated invasions and periods of occupation by the Uzbek Khans - Muhammad Khan, Abdullah Khan Shaibani, Muhammad Sultan and especially Abdul - Momen Khan. These invasions continued up to 996 A.H./ 1586 A.D., the time of Shah Abbas I, who finally drove out the Uzbeks from Khorasan.
Sahn Atiq was extended in the time of Shah Abbas I , and still, during the Safavids era, great efforts were made for its improvement. Shah Tahmasb Safavi began to repair and gild the minaret near the dome and in 932/1525, precious tiles covering the dome were changed into gold-coated bricks. After they were plundered during 'Abd al-Mu'min Khan Uzbeg invasion, the gold-coated bricks were rebuilt by Shah 'Abbas in 1010/1601, the details of which was written on an enamelled inscription by 'Ali Reza Abbasi. Shah 'Abbas also began to establish northern porch, rooms, chambers, facades, as well eastern and western porches.
It is said that Mullah Muhsin Fayd Kashani ordered to establish Tawhid Khanah portico in the north side of the Shrine. Allahverdikhan portico, porch in the north side of Dar al-Ziyafah(reception chamber) and Hatam Khani portico, all were built in the time of great princes of Safavids, Allahverdikhan and Hatam Beq Ordoobadi.
Shah Abbas II commanded to repair and tile Sahn Atiq and Shah Sulaiman also ordered the repair of the Holy Shrine Dome which had been splitted because of the earthquake; this can be read in an erected inscription. He also commanded to establish severeal Madrasahs (Islamic Seminaries). The northern porch of Gowharshad Mosque, the Holy Shrine entrance, along with Musallah(place of prayer) located in Payeen Khiyaban (lower street) were repaird and tiled by a skillful Isafahani mason called Ustad Shuja`.
Nadir Shah Afshar (b. 1688, r. 1736-1747 A.D.) and the Qajar kings who ruled Iran from 1779-1923 illuminated, beautified and expanded the various courtyards (Sahn), porches (Riwaq) and places in the holy shrine.
The golden porch of Sahn Atiq and the minaret on its top were repaired and gilded, the minaret of north porch was erected and illuminated; and Sangab (a vessel or container made of single block of marble) in Ismail Tala'ee Saqqa Khanah (a public place for drinking water) was built in Sahn Atiq. All these happened during Nadir Shah Afshar's monarchy.
There have slao been some improvements in Holy Shrine complex during Qajar period, including new courtyard establishment and gilding its porch, both of them started in the time of Fath Ali Shah Qajar and ended in Nasir al-Din Shah's era. The porch and northern façade of Sahn Atiq, as written in the inscription of its top, were also repaired during Muhammad Shah's rule.
Tawhid Khanah was repaired in 1276/1859 in the time of 'Adud al-Mulk's custodianship. He had the fine paintings and tiles of the Shrine decorated with mirrors in 1275/1858. Nasir al-Din Shah, too, had the gold-coated bricks put up on the walls, from dado up to the top of western proch of the new courtyard and its stalactite-shaped ceiling. So it was called "Nasiri Porch". There was also some repairment in both courtyards, the old and the new one during Muzaffar al-Din Shah's monarchy.
On 10th Rabi al-Thani 1330 A.H. in the year 1911 A.D., the Tsar Russian artillery shelled the holy shrine and martyred a large number of pilgrims and inhabitants of Mashhad.The whole complex greatly in 1330/1911, but it was repaired again after a while by Hussein Mirza Nayyir al-Dawla, Khurasan's governor.
There happened some essential changes round the complex in 1347/1928, when Falakah (round open space with the radius of 180 meters from the top of the Dome was established. Then they began to build the Museum, the library and the Hall for ceremonies.
Old Falakah was extended up to a radius of 620 meters before the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution, and and important part of Holy Buildings' historical structure was demolished without considering its antiquity and elegance.
On 11th Rabi al-Thani 1354 A.H. /13 July 1935, the armed forces of Reza Khan (b. 1878, r. 1925-1941 A.D.), the founder of Pahlavi dynasty in Iran, invaded the holy shrine and massacred innocent people gathered in the Gowharshad Mosque.The people there were protesting against the anti-Islamic rule of Reza Khan for banning Hijab (modest dress) for women in Iran.
During the peak days of Islamic revolution, on 21 st November 1978 Muhammad Reza Shah's (b. 1919, r. 1941-1978 A.D.) troops committed the sacrilegious act of Killing a large number of innocent people within the holy shrine of Emam Reza (A.S.).

The Titles Given to the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A.S)

Astan-e-Malaik Paseban (the Threshold of Angels):
It means that the angels of Allah – the Exalted- are safeguarding the Holy Shrine, and serving the pilgrims.

Arze Aqdas (the Holy Land):
It means that the Holy Shrine is the holiest land in the world. It is said that the title " Holy Land" was given to the region of Toos where Imam Reza (A.S) had been buried there after his martyrdom.

Boqeye Mabarakah (the Holy Mausoleum):
Mausoleum is an ornamental building made to hold the dead body of an important person or one of the Holy Imams (A.S). This title is also applied to the place where Imam Reza (A.S) has been buried, and also to the complex of the Holy Shrine.

Haram-e-Motahhar (the Holy Shrine):
Shrine means "around or inside a house". This term is also applied to any place that is regarded as holy because of its association with a special person or event. The Holy Shrine is a sacred place.

Rowzayah Razaviyah (the Holy Burial Chamber):
Rowzah means "the Garden of Paradise", and Razaviyah is a title given to Imam Reza (A.S). In fact, this term is another name for the Holy Zarih (burial chamber) of Imam Reza (A.S).

Rowzayah Moqaddasah (the Holy Paradise):
It is another name for the Holy Shrine, and means "a holy garden or paradise".

Rowzayah Monawwarah (the Illuminated Paradise):
It is also another name for the Holy Shrine, and means "an illuminated garden or paradise".
Atabayah Aliyah: It means "the lofty or sacred threshold".

The Seventh Qiblah (the Seventh Direction of Prayer):
Shiite Muslims believe that the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A.S) is the seventh holy place among the holy Islamic Premises in the world. The following is a list of these holy places:
1. The Holy Kaaba in Makkah Mukarramah in Hejaz.
2. The Holy Shrines of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.W), and the Holy Imams (A.S) in Madinah Munawwarah in Hejaz.
3. The Holy Shrine of Imam Ali (A.S) in the holy city of Najaf in Iraq.
4. The Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein (A.S) in the holy city of Karbala in Iraq.
5. The Holy Shrine of Imam Musa Kazem (A.S) and Imam Javad (A.S) in the holy city of Kazemein in Iraq.
6. The Holy Shrine of Imam Hadi (A.S) and Imam Hasan Asgari (A.S) in the holy city of Samera in Iraq.
7. The Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A.S) in the holy city Mashhad in Iran.

Kaabayeh Amal:
It is one of the other names given to the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A.S), and it means that the Holy Shrine is a place for pilgrims to worship and implore for Imam Reza’s (A.S) help. They believe that Imam Reza (A.S) can satisfy their needs and desires.

Marghad-e-Malakooti (the Celestial Mausoleum):
It means that the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A.S) is a Divine and celestial palace. Shiite Muslims believe that this holy place is under the special auspices of Allah –the Exalted.

Marghad-e-Munnawwar (the Illuminated Mausoleum):
As we said before, the Mausoleum is an ornamental building made to hold the dead body of an important person or one of the Holy Imams (A.S). The compound name of the illuminated mausoleum is applied to the Holy Tomb of Imam Reza (A.S).
Mazjaae Sharif (the Holy Mausoleum): It is another title given to the Holy Shrine Imam Reza (A.S).
Moin-Uz-Zoafaa (the Supporter of the Poor and Weak): It is a title given to Imam Reza (A.S), because His Holiness was supporter and protector of the deprived and poor classes of the society.

The Great Iranian Dignitaries Buried in the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A.S)
The great Iranian dignitaries buried in the Holy Shrine are classified into three groups, including:
1. Religious Dignitaries
2. Social and Political Dignitaries
3. Poets and Artists
Religious Dignitaries:
 Ali Akbar Abootorabi (1364A.H-1421A.H)
 Sayyed Jonah Ardebili (1296A.H-1377A.H)
 Hasan Ali Esfahani(1279A.H-1361A.H)
 Mirza Mahdi Esfahani (1152A.H-1218A.H)
 Mohammad Bahauddin Amoli(953A.H-1030 A.H)
 Abbas Torbati (born in 1374 A.H)
 Mohammad Taqi Ja'afari (1346A.H-1419A.H)
 Mohammad Hur-re-Amoli (1033A.H-1104A.H)
 Mohammad Hussein Husseini Tehrani (1345A.H-1416A.H)
 Sayyed Hussein Khademi Esfahani (1319A.H-1363A.H)
 Sayyed Javad Khamenei (1313A.H-1406A.H)
 Sayyed Abdullah Shirazi (1309A.H-1405A.H)
 Gholamreza Tabasi (1313A.H-1355A.H)
 Mojtaba Qazvini (1318A.H-1386A.H)
 Hashem Qazvini (1270A.H-1339A.H)
 Mirza Ahmad Modarres Yazdi (1306A.H-1391A.H)
 Sayyed Mohammad Hadi Milani (1313A.H-1395A.H)
 Ali Akbar Noqani (1300A.H-1370A.H)
 Ali Akbar Nahavandi (1278A.H-1369A.H)
 Sayyed Abdulkarim Hashemi Nejad (1343A.H-1402A.H)
Ali Akbar Abootorabi (1364A.H-1422A.H)
Hujjatuleslam Walmoslemin Hajj Ali Akbar Abootorabi, son of Ayatollah Hajj Sayyed Abbas Abootorabi, was one of the bravest revolutionary forces during the 8-years Iraqi Imposed War and also during the time when he was taken as a captive by Iraqi soldiers. At the end of war, he was released form the prison. Then, he was appointed by the Paramount Leader of the Islamic Revolution –Ayatollah Khamenei-, as the Representative of Wali Faqih (Supreme Leader) in the Affairs of the POW, and also as the Representative of Wali Faqih (Supreme Leader) in Tehran University. Also, he was elected by the residents of Tehran city as the Legislator of the Islamic Consultative Assembly for 8 years.
Hujjatuleslam Walmoslemin Hajj Ali Akbar Abootorabi, after learning the Islamic Sciences from the distinguished Iranian professor Elahi Khorasani and some of the other famous professors in Tehran, left Iran and set off for the holy city of Najaf .He returned to Iran from Iraq in 1978.During the 8-years Iraqi Imposed War, he was captured by Iraqi soldiers and kept as a POW for about 10 years. He was a symbol of freedom and resistance among all Iranian prisoners. He was a manifestation of self-sacrifice and virtue.
Hujjatuleslam Walmoslemin Hajj Ali Akbar Abootorabi, during his last trip to the holy city of Mashhad to make a pilgrimage to Imam Reza (A.S), was killed in a car accident along with his father on 27th .Safar in 1421A.H.After a glorious mourning ceremony in Tehran, Qazvin and Mashhad, he was buried in Azadi courtyard (one of the courtyards of the Holy Shrine), in one of the special chambers the Holy Shrine.
Sayyed Jonah Ardebili (1296A.H-1377A.H)
Ayatollah Hajj Sayyed Jonah Ardebili and all of his ancestors (Sayyed Mohammad Taqi, Mir Fath Ali, and Seif Ali Ardebili) lived by clerical work. His grand father, Mir Fath Ali, was one of the most distinguished clerics and mystics .He was the mystic who granted the main percepts of mysticism.
Sayyed Jonah was born in 1296A.H, in Ardebil (one of the cities of Iran).After accomplishing his primary education in this city; he set off for the city of Zanjan to continue his studies. He learned the Islamic Jurisprudence and theology from the famous philosopher Molla Qorban Ali Zanjani, and also the philosophical sciences from the distinguished theologian and philosopher Molla Sabz Ali Hakim. In 1310A.H,he set off for the holy city of Najaf.Coincident with the Movement of the Constitutionalism in Iran, he learned the Islamic sciences from the famous philosophers, including :Akhoond Khorasani,Fazel Sharbiani,Sayyed Mohammad Kazim Yazdi,and Shaikh-ush-Shariah Esfahani.Then,he went to the holy city of Karbala and participated in the seminary(theological school) of Mirza Mohammad Taqi Shirazi-the religious leader of the Iraq's Resistance Movement of Scholars against the English occupiers. He was approved by the whole seminary. By the order of Mirza Mohammad Taqi Shirazi, he undertook the responsibility of looking after the affairs of the students of the religious subjects.
Due to a serious optic disease, Ayatollah Ardebili returned to Ardebil in 1348 A.H.In 1353 A.H, five years after returning to his birthplace, he set off for the holy city of Mashhad to teach and supervise the religious affairs of this city. The then government arrested Ayatollah Ardebili and some of the other clerics for their position on the historical event of Gowharshad, and then sent them to Tehran. Ayatollah Ardebili was in jail for a while. After a short time, he was turned back to Ardebil.In 1362 A.H, when Reza Khan (the king of Iran) fell from power, His Excellency, Ayatollah Ardebili, came back again to the holy city of Mashhad.During the National Movement of Iran, his house was changed into a center for the religio-political persons of Mashhad to make decision.
Ayatollah Sayyed Jonah Ardebili passed away on 21st. Zee-al-Qaa'dah in 1377 A.H, in Tehran. His body was transferred to the holy city of Mashhad, and buried in the Dar-us-Siyadah portico in the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A.S).
Hasan Ali Esfahani (1279A.H-1361A.H)
Hajj Sheikh Hasan Ali Meqdadi Esfahani (also known as Nokhodaki), son of Molla Ali Akbar, was born in the middle of the month of Zee-al-Qaa'dah in 1279 A.H, in Esfahan city. From the very outset of his childhood, his father woke him up for performing prayer and worshipping, and made him acquainted with the religious subjects. Worshipping at night was an important thing in his life until the age of 15.He was fasting during the months of Rajab, Sha'aban and Ramadhan, and also during the days of bright nights, and spending all nights in worshipping Allah –the Exalted-, .Hajj Sheikh Hasan learned reading and writing skills and Arabic language and literature in Esfahan city. He also learned Fiqh(Islamic Jurisprudence),Theology, Philosophy and Logic from the famous philosophers Molla Mohammad Kashi and Mirza Jahangir Khan Qashqaee, and Quranic Commentary from Hajj Sayyed Sina , the respected father of Sayyed Ja'afar Kashi, and some of the other professors.
In 1303 A.H, he set off for the holy city of Mashhad and resided in this city for one year and then set off for the holy city of Najaf to complete his Divine sciences. He learned the Islamic sciences in this city from Sayyed Mohammad Fesharaki, Sayyed Morteza Keshmiri and Molla Esmaeel Qareh Baghi.In 1311 A.H, he returned to Mashhad, and resided in this city until 1314 A.H. In 1315 A.H, he returned to Esfahan, and after a short stay in this city, he set off for the holy city of Najaf and resided there until 1318 A.H. In 1319 A.H, he returned to Esfahan .Due to his devotion to the Holy Imams (A.S), he traveled to the Sacred Thresholds. Finally, he came to the holy city of Mashhad in 1329 A.H, and resided in this city until the end of his life. He took to his bed before dying for a month, and at last, he passed away on 17th.Sha'aban in 1316 A.H, at the age of 82.He was buried in the Atiq courtyard –one of the courtyards of the Holy Shrine-, adjacent to the Abbasi porch located on the north side of Inqilab courtyard .
Mirza Mahdi Esfahani (1152A.H-1218A.H)
Mirza Mahdi Esfahani, son of Hedayatullah, was one of the most distinguished clerics of Khorasan. He was born in 1152 A.H, in Esfahan city. Molla Ali Noori was his classmate in the seminary of Bayd Abadi.Aqa Mohammad Wahid Behbahani (1205 A.H) –the most distinguished religious jurist of Shiite in the 12th century- and Sheikh Mohammad Fotooni were his professors if the fields of Theology and Islamic Jurisprudence . His special permission of independent judgment was approved by these two distinguished professors.
Mirza Mahdi learned Math from Sheikh Hussein Ameli Mashhadi-the then Friday Prayer Leader of Mashhad who passed away in 1175 A.H-and after a while, he married with his daughter. He was appointed as the Custodian of Astan Quds Razavi in 1192 A.H. After the death of Sayyed Mohammad in 1198 A.H-the Friday Prayer Leader of Sabzevar city-, Mirza Mahdi undertook the responsibility of performing the Friday Prayer. He taught Theology, Islamic Jurisprudence, Philosophical Sciences and some of the Mathematics books.
Sayyed Mahdi Bahr-ul-Uloom, Mohammad Hussein Khabooshani, professor Hamzeye Qaeni, Sayyed Kazim Jazayeri, Sayyed Deldar Ali Ibn Mohammad Moin Ibn Alhadi-al-Razavi Naqavi Hendi Nasr Abadi were his students .He was wounded by Nader Mirza or Taymoor Nasqaji in the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A.S) on 11th.Ramadhan, and after two days, he was martyred on 13th.Ramadhan in 1218 A.H.He was buried in the Dar-ush-Shukr portico. He was also known as the Fourth Martyr.
 Mohammad Bahauddin Amoli(953A.H-1030 A.H)
 Abbas Torbati (born in 1374 A.H)
 Mohammad Taqi Ja'afari (1346A.H-1419A.H)
 Mohammad Hur-re-Amoli (1033A.H-1104A.H)
 Mohammad Hussein Husseini Tehrani (1345A.H-1416A.H)
 Sayyed Hussein Khademi Esfahani (1319A.H-1363A.H)
 Sayyed Javad Khamenei (1313A.H-1406A.H)
 Sayyed Abdullah Shirazi (1309A.H-1405A.H)
 Gholamreza Tabasi (1313A.H-1355A.H)
 Mojtaba Qazvini (1318A.H-1386A.H)
 Hashem Qazvini (1270A.H-1339A.H)
 Mirza Ahmad Modarres Yazdi (1306A.H-1391A.H)
 Sayyed Mohammad Hadi Milani (1313A.H-1395A.H)
 Ali Akbar Noqani (1300A.H-1370A.H)
 Ali Akbar Nahavandi (1278A.H-1369A.H)
 Sayyed Abdulkarim Hashemi Nejad (1343A.H-1402A.H)
*Ayatullah Falsafi
*Ayatullah Morwarid


source : http://www.imamreza.net
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The Arabic book owes its origin to Islam, and this has given it a character that it has ...
Why is taqlid of a dead person not permitted

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