Saturday 29th of June 2024
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Mourning of Imam Husain (a.s) Hadith: 4

Through successive chain of narrators, the Honourable Shaikh Abul Qasim Ja'far bin Qawlawayh relates from Musme' Kardeen who says that one day Imam Ja'far as Sadiq (a.s) told me,

"O Musme'! Being a resident of Iraq do you go for the pilgrimage to the grave of Imam Husain (a.s)"?

I replied, "No, for the people of Basra know me well and they are the adherents of the Caliph and there are numerous enemies from the nasibies (those who bear enmity towards the Prophet's Ahlulbait) of the clans and others around us. I fear lest they malign me in presence of the sons of Sulayman (bin Abdul Malik, the Abbaside Caliph), who would then torture and harass me." Then Imam said,

"Then do you remember the troubles which were inflicted on Imam Husain"

and I replied in the affirmative. Imam again asked,

"Are you then disturbed by it"?

I replied, "Verily yes, by Allah! And this grief effects me such that the people of my family see this (it's effects) upon my face, and I even leave my meals while this sorrow becomes apparent on my cheeks." Imam Sadiq said,

"May Allah have mercy upon your tears! Verily you are of those people who are afflicted by our grief, those who rejoice at our prosperity and lament over our sorrows, and who are attached to us in our time of dread and peace. In fact when you die, you will find our Blessed Forefathers close to

you and they will counsel the Angel of death regarding you, and glad tidings shall be given to you which will illuminate your eyes. Then he shall be more compassionate and merciful towards you than a mother is to her son."

Saying this Imam started weeping and I too could not control my tears. Then he continued,

"Praise be to Allah, Who with His Mercy, has exalted us over all creatures, and favoured our Household (Ahlulbait) with His blessings. O Musme'! Verily the heavens and the earth have been lamenting since the time the Commander of the faithful Ali (a.s) was martyred. The Angels who weep over us are numerous, and their tears have never dried up from the time of our martyrdom, and there is none who does not lament over us. And no one weeps over us and our afflictions, accept that Allah sends His blessings upon him before his tears fall on his cheeks from his eyes. And if one tear, which have fallen from their eyes, is thrown in the pit of hell, it's heat would cool down as if no fire ever existed there. The one whose heart feels pain for us will rejoice on the day he sees us during his death and (his delight) will remain intact till he meets us at the fountain of Kausar. Kausar itself will be contented to see our friends, and such delicacies will be placed in his mouth, that he will not be ready to move away from there."

source : http://www.maaref-foundation.com
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