Saturday 29th of June 2024
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Mourning of Imam Husain (a.s) Hadith: 17

Tradition 14

Through successive chain of transmitters reaching Ja'far bin Qawlawayh Qummi, who relates from Haroon bin Moosa Tal'ukbari, from Umar bin Abdul Aziz Kashshi, from Umar bin Sabah, from Ibne Isa, from Yahya bin Imran, from Mohammad bin Sinan, from Zayd bin Shiham, who says that, I was sitting in the presence of Imam Ja'far as Sadiq (a.s) with a group of people from Kufah, when Ja'far bin Affan entered. Imam welcomed him, signaled him to sit closer to him and then said,

"O Ja'far"

he said, "Here I am (at your service), may I be your ransom"!

Imam said,

"I have heard that you recite elegies for Imam Husain (a.s), and that you recite it very well."

He replied, "Yes, may I be your ransom." He recited and the Imam started weeping, and all those who were present there too started weeping, until Imam's beard was soaked in tears. Then he said,

"O Ja'far! By Allah! The Angels close to Allah have descended here and heard your couplets for Imam Husain (a.s) and wept like us and even more. The Almighty Allah has re‌served Paradise for you at this very moment and

has forgiven your sins. O Ja'far! Do you want to hear something more"?

Ja'far replied in the af‌firmative and Imam continued,

"There is none who recites elegies in the praise of Imam Husain (a.s) and himself weeps besides making others weep, except that Allah will make Paradise obligatory for him and forgive him."

source : http://www.maaref-foundation.com
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