Saturday 29th of June 2024
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Mourning of Imam Husain (a.s) Hadith: 25

Tradition 25

Through successive chain of authorities till Shaikh Sadooq, who relates with his chain of narrators from Imam Ja'far as Sadiq (a.s), that he said regarding the verse of the Qur'an:

"And mention Isma'il in the Book, surely he was truthful in (his) promise, and he was a Messenger, a Prophet."[1]

The Isma'il referred to by Allah in the above verse is not the Prophet Isma'il (a.s) the son of Prophet Ibraheem (a.s), but is another Prophet from among the Prophets of Allah. He was chosen by Allah for his people, who tortured him to such an extent, that they peeled the skin off his head and face. An Angel descended unto him and said, "Allah the glorious has sent me to you, ask whatever is your heart's de‌sire." The Prophet replied,

"I am symphathetic towards whatever will befall Husain."

source : http://www.maaref-foundation.com
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