Saturday 29th of June 2024
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Mourning of Imam Husain (a.s) Hadith: 28

Tradition 28

Through my successive chain of authorities reaching the Noble Shaikh Mufeed, who in hisIrshad relates from Awza'ee, from Abdullah bin Shaddad, from Ummul Fazl binte Hurayth, who says that, one day I went to the presence of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.s) and said, "O Prophet of Allah! Tonight I saw a very bad dream." The Prophet inquired as to what it

was. I said that it was very hard upon me, to which he again asked me to relate it to him. I said, "I saw that a piece of your body cut off and fell in my lap." The Prophet replied,

"It is fine, for verily my Fatemah (a.s) will soon deliver a boy and you will be her midwife then."

Hence Imam Husain (a.s) was born and lay in my lap as the Prophet had predicted. One day I took him to the presence of the Prophet. Suddenly I looked at his eyes and saw them filled with tears. I asked, "May my parents be your ransom O Prophet of Allah! What has happened to you"? He replied,

"Jibra'eel came to me and reported that the people from among my nation (ummah) will kill this son of mine, and he has brought red coloured sand (from the earth of the place of his martyrdom)."

source : http://www.maaref-foundation.com
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