Saturday 29th of June 2024
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Mourning of Imam Husain (a.s) Hadith: 31

Tradition 31

Through successive chain of authorities Allamah Majlisi has quoted in Bihaar al-Anwaar, that the author of Durrus Sameen has written in the inter‌pretation of the following verse of the Qur'an,

"Then Adam received from his Lord (certain) words, and Allah turned to him (mercifully)"[1]

that Prophet Adam (a.s) saw the names of Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.s) and Imams (a.s) written on the base of the Empyrean (Arsh) and Jibra'eel instructed him to say: O the Praiseworthy (Hameed), by the right of Mohammad (s.a.w.s), O Most High (Ali), by the right of Ali, O Creator

[1] Surah al Baraqah: 37.


(Fatir), by the right of Fatemah, O Benevolent (Mohsin), by the right of Hasan and Husain, and from you is goodness. When Prophet Adam uttered the name of Husain his eyes were filled with tears and his heart was pained. Adam told Jibra'eel,

"O brother Jibra'eel! When I take the name of the fifth one among them, my eyes get filled with tears and my heart gets shattered."

Jibra'eel replied, "This son of yours (Husain) will be sur‌rounded by such afflictions that all other calamities will seem low and less when compared to it." Prophet Adam asked Jibra'eel as to what those afflictions would be, to which Jibra'eel replied, "He will be killed as a thirsty, forlorn and a lonely traveller. He will have no friend or helper. Would that you see him calling out: O thirst! O loneliness! and his thirst would spread between him and the heavens like smoke. No one will answer his call except the swords and the rain of death, and he will be butchered like a sheep from the back of his neck. And the enemies will rob the belongings from his tents, and his blessed head, while those of his companions, will be paraded on the points of lances in the cities in the midst of his (imprisoned) ladies. Thus it has been revealed in the knowl‌edge of the Lord." Thus Prophet Adam and Jibra'eel both started weeping as a mother weeps over the loss of her son.

And it has been narrated from other trustworthy reports, that on the day of Eid, Imam Hasan (a.s) and Imam Husain (a.s) entered the house of their Grandfather the Prophet of Allah Mohammad (s.a.w.s) and said,

"O grandfa‌ther! Today is the day of Eid, and the children of Arabs have worn new and colourful clothes, while we do not have any new dress with us, hence we have come to you."

The Prophet pondered over their state and wept that he did not have a dress with him suitable for them, nor did he desire to send them disheartened and with a broken heart. He lifted his hands and prayed,

"O Allah! Make ammends for their and their mother's heart."

Suddenly Jibra'eel descended with two white dresses among the dresses of Paradise. The Prophet was overjoyed and said,

"O Masters of the youth of Paradise! Take these dresses which have been stitched by the tailor (from Allah) according to your sizes."

Both the Imams saw that the dresses were white in colour and hence said,

"O Grandfather! These are of white colour, how can we wear it, when the children of Arabs have worn colourful clothes"?

The Prophet put his head down and started thinking about it when Jibra'eel said,

"O Mohammad (s.a.w.s)! Rejoice and cool your eyes. The powerful dyer of


the Divine colour will fulfil their desire and make them happy by those colours which they desire. Hence O Prophet, do order that a ewer and vessel be brought."

A vessel was brought and Jibra'eel said, "O Prophet of Allah! I shall pour water over these dresses and you wring them until the desired colour appears. The Prophet soaked the dress of Imam Hasan (a.s) and said,

"Which colour do you desire"?

Imam Hasan (a.s) replied that he preferred the green colour, to which the Prophet rubbed the dress with his own hands which turned into bright green colour similar to emeralds, by the will and command of Allah. He then handed it over to Imam Hasan (a.s) who wore it. Then Jibra'eel took another dress and started pouring water in the vessel. The Prophet then turned towards Imam Husain (a.s), who was of five years of age at that time, and asked,

"O light of my eyes! Which colour do you desire"?

To which Husain replied that he preferred the red colour. The Prophet again rubbed the dress with his own blessed hands and it turned into bright red colour similar to rubies. He then handed it over to Imam Husain (a.s) who wore it too. The Holy Prophet and both Imams were over‌joyed and they returned to their mother. When Jibra'eel saw this he started weeping. The Prophet said,

"O brother Jibra'eel! This is not the day to mourn, when my sons are rejoicing and are happy. By Allah! Please let me know the reason for your grief."

Jibra'eel replied, "I mourn because your sons have selected one colour each. As regards your son Hasan, he will be poisoned and because of it's effect his body will turn green. And as regards your other son Husain, be will be killed by swords and his head severed, while his body will be smeared with red blood." Hearing this the Prophet started weeping and his sorrow increased.

source : http://www.maaref-foundation.com
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