Sunday 30th of June 2024
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One of the name of God is "Al-Sami"

No sound is ever hidden from Him. He hears the whispers, the disclosed and the closed; nothing even more delicate than a whisper is hidden from Him. He observes the sound of the ant feet, at night, over the black, hard stones. He hears the invocations of the worshippers, the groans of the lovers, the supplications of the needy. He is next to everybody at all times. In accordance with His own statement in the Holy Qur’an, He is nearer to us even more than our veins.

A man has benefited from Sami’, the God’s attribute, when he hears the sound of truth in the Holy Qur’an, if he pays attention to the voice of the invitation offered by the Prophets (s.a.w) and Imams (a.s), which is an invitation towards the right path.

In order to thank God for the marvelous sense of hearing which He has given us, we should listen to the true statements. This was the way in which the great personalities of religion have acted. Imam Ali (a.s), in his sermon Muttaqin, concerning them, says: وَقَفُوا أسْماعَهُم عَلَى الْعِلْمِ النّافِعُ لَهُم “They devoted their ears to those sciences which were beneficial to them both here and in the hereafter.”

A God’s true believer should be aware of the fact that He (God) is Hearing. Therefore, he should refrain from uttering nonsensical words.

source : The Book: Diar Aashiqan by prof, Hussain Ansarian
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