Tuesday 1st of October 2024
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The opinion of the modern world

All that has been stated above concerns the ancient world. Now we have to see what the modern world says. The modern world does not rely on mere guesses and conjectures. Instead relies on observation and experiment on statistics and figures on the study of the thing itself. In the light of profound medical psychological and social studies more and multifarious differences between women and men have been discovered. These could not have been discovered by any means in the ancient world.

Those in the ancient world who used to judge men and women did it simply on the grounds that one has a large frame and the other a smaller one; one is more coarse and the other more delicate; one is taller and the other shorter; one has a stronger voice and the other is soft-speaking; one is more hairy and the other has a more smooth body. The greatest extent they went to was to take into account the difference in the time of puberty or to look at the differences in intellect and sentiments. Man was considered a symbol of intellect and woman a symbol of kind and affectionate feelings.

However other kinds of differences have recently been discovered besides these and it has been discovered that the worlds of women and men are different to each other in many respects.

We shall mention all the differences between women and men which we were able to gather from the writings of the great scientists and then we shall deal with the question as to how many of these differences are based in nature and how many are the result of historical cultural or social factors. A number of these differences can be listed by anybody after a little experience and attention and some of them are so clear and self-evident as to be impossible to deny.

source : http://www.maaref-foundation.com
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