Saturday 29th of June 2024
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Hazrat Zahra Dua’a to seek noble moral qualities and good deeds

O Allah by Your knowledge of the unseen and Your power over creation give me life so long as You know that life is good for me and make me die when death is good for me.

O Allah, I ask You (to help me attain) sincere speech and fear of You in pleasure and in anger and moderation in wealth and in poverty.

And I ask You for favors that will not end for delight of the eyes that will not be cut off for satisfaction with the Decree for ease after death for your sight, and the desire to meet You without any harmful affliction nor any dark trial.

O Allah adorn us with the adornment of faith.

And make us guides who are guided, O Lord of the worlds.

hazrat zahra dua’a

source : http://www.tebyan.net
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