Monday 22nd of July 2024
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The Badr Event and God-prepared means of its victory- part 1

The Badr Event and God-prepared means of its victory- part 1

The event of badr is a very important era in the history of Islam. There are lots of comments and histories written on this incident but that of those words written by Professor Hossein Ansarian are from a different point of view. This text on the event of badr is selected form “ The land of lovers”, the great book of The professor.

The Meccan emigrants, who had left their city in accordance with Allah's commands and the Prophet's plans, and had entered Medina did not have an easy life until they made friends with the Moslems of Medina and started cooperating with one another. They were, however, hurt by the Meccan people and could not forget their homeland. They were extremely homesick. They were always eager to receive news from their relatives back home.

They finally arrived at the conclusion that they had to perform a feat and peculiar act so that the Qoraish might understand their power and could show some inclination to enter into dialogue and negotiation with them. In this way they hoped they could pave the way for spreading the Islamic teachings. They improvised a plan to block the way of the passage of their trade caravans. In this way they hoped to let the Qoraish tribe comprehend their strength.

And this is exactly what they did. On the second year of their emigration, the God's Apostle(s) sent away a group of the emigrants headed by Abdollah Ibn Jahsh. He gave Abdollah a letter instructing him not to open the letter for two days. They were to read the lette after tow days and act according to what God had ordered them. However, he was instructed not to force anybody against his will to cooperate.

Abdollah and his associates started to move without knowing where they were heading for. He relied heavily on God. After traveling for two days, he opened up the letter: In the letter the following words were written: “As soon as you read this letter, continue with your journey till you arrive at a place called Nakhle, between Mecca and Ta'eef, and wait for the Qoraish. Gather information on them and send it to us.”

Having read the Prophet's letter, Abdollah told his associates the content of the letter. He added.” I am told to gather information on Qoraish and send them to the Prophet. I am also told not to impose anything on you. Any-body of you who wants to get martyred could come with me. Anybody who does not like it could go back. It is upto you to decide. I myself have decided to carry out the prophet's orders.

Abdollah's companions all agreed to continue with the plan. All of them were dependant on Allah and were confident that they would prosper. However, one of their camels got lost on the way. Some men tried to find it, but were captured by the Qoraish.

Abdollah and his companions continued with their journey till they reached Nakhle where a Qoraishi caravan was passing. When they met with Abdollah and his men, they were terribly frightened.

Abdollah's men were puzzled, not knowing what to do. If they tried to attack them, it would be illegal since they would start attack in a forbidden sacred month. And if they did not attack them, they would reach Masjedol haram [The Sacred Mosque] where they could not be reached any more.

They thought for a while, but finally decided to attack the caravan and take their merchandise as booty. After a while Waqed Ibn Abdollah Tamimi shot Amr Ibn Hathrami, killing him at once. Both Othoman Ibn Abdollah and Hakam Ibn Kyan were taken captives. In this way, God caused all the wealth of this caravan to fall in the hands of the army of Islam.

Abdollah Ibn Jahsh and his men returned to Medina, taking the booty and the prisoners to the Prophet(s). As soon as the Prophet(s) saw them, he understood that there had been a fight between the two adversaries and that the unbelievers had escaped and their wealth had fallen in the hands of the Moslems. Criticizing for what they had done, the Prophet(s) asked them: I did not order you to engage in war during the forbidden month. For that reason, he declined to capture that wealth and waited for God's revelation.

The army of Islam worried a lot, assuming they had committed a sin. Other Moslems started criticizing the army men for what they had done. Qoraish, too, were angered and claimed that Mohammad(s) and his men had participated in war during the sacred time.

At this critical moment, the following verse was revealed to the Prophet(s)

يَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنْ الشَّهْرِ الْحَرَامِ قِتَالٍ فِيهِ قُلْ قِتَالٌ فِيهِ كَبِيرٌ وَصَدٌّ عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَكُفْرٌ بِهِ وَالْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ وَإِخْرَاجُ أَهْلِهِ مِنْهُ أَكْبَرُ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ وَالْفِتْنَةُ أَكْبَرُ مِنْ الْقَتْلِ [1]

They ask you concerning the sacred month about fighting in it. Say: Fighting in it is a grave matter, and hindering men from Allah's way and denying Him and hindering men from the Sacred Mosque and turning its people out of it are still graver with Allah, and persecution is graver than slaughter;

When this sacred verse was revealed to the Prophet(s), Moslems' fear lessened a little bit and were released. The men who had taken part in war became delighted as well and the Prophet(s) accepted the booty and the prisoners of war.

The Qoraish dispatched an envoy to the Prophet(s), offering ran some money for the prisoners in order for them to get released. The Prophet(s) said he would accept such an offer on condition that the Qoraish, too, set free two of the Moslems captured by them.

The Qoraish had to accept the Prophet's condition and set the prisoners free. In this way God acted out His promise and the Moslems got a lot of assets.

But Abdollah Jahsh and his men were not content with the above verse and became highly depressed because they hoped there would be revealed to the Prophet(s) that these men's work would result in a reward from Allah. For this purpose, addressing the Prophet(s), they asked him: Could we be given the reward of the spiritual strugglers [Mojabids] in a war in which we will take part later? God sent this verse in their response:

إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَالَّذِينَ هَاجَرُوا وَجَاهَدُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ أُوْلَئِكَ يَرْجُونَ رَحْمَةَ اللَّهِ وَاللَّهُ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ  [2]

Surely those who believed and those who fled their home and strove hard in the way of Allah these hope for the mercy of Allah and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

The revelation of this sacred verse put the believers' hearts at ease and the Moslems became delighted when they saw themselves engulfed in God's Blessings.

This war was used as a cornerstone for the Islamic politics an policies in the years to come. It was, in fact, its backbone. Its effects could be studied here:

First, it made clear for the believers that war is forbidden during the sacred month.

Second, it made clear to the Moslems that they, too, might get involved in sins.

Thirdly, due to the hard blows inflicted upon the Qoraish involving the loss of wealth and men, the Qoraish's pride was badly hurt and used the sacred month as a means to moblize the people on the Arabia peninsula against the Prophet(s). The Moslems had to accept the fact that there was no hope for reconciliation with the infidels.

Once, the Prophet(s) informed the Moslems that Abu Sofyan, Harb's son, was going to lead the Qoraish caravan from Damuscus towards Mecca. He told them that the Qoraish's capital was with that caravan and that they could block their passage and fight with them; he told them God would make them prosperous with that wealth.

On the other hand, Abu Sofyan, who had received a good lesson from the Nakhle event, started collecting information regarding the Prophet(s). He continued asking people about the Prophet's progress until he was informed that the Prophet(s) had sent his men to get the news on the Qoraishi caravan. He decided to let the Qoraish know of what was going on. For this purpose he hired Zam Zam Ibn Amr Qaffari to go to Mecca and tell them that Mohammad(s) and his men had had plans to confiscate the Qoraishi possessions of the caravan.

Having had his camel's nostril torn out, and having torn his own shirt, Zam Zam came to the Sacred Mosque, crying: O Qoraishis, your merchandise and Abu Sofyan have been attacked by Mohammad and his followers. I do not think you will be able to save him!

Having become highly excited, people convened an emergency meeting and started consultation. They decided to move immediately. Those who were not able to join the procession sent some substitutes. For instance, Abu Lahab hired a man who owed him four thousand derhams to join the newly-gathered people and participate in the attack against Moslem.

Having prepared the necessary equipments for the war-journey, they remembered they had previously had some fights with a tribe called kenanen. One of the participants pointed out that the men of this tribe might attack their group from behind while they would be on the way.

But one of the noblemen of Kenaneh, Saraqe Ibn Malik, assured them by telling them:

“I will protect you all and you are safe. Go ahead with your work and don’t be warned about my tribe. I would not let the members of my tribe attack you.” Thus people became more resolute for their plan and started on their war-trip.

To be continued on the same article part 2

[1] Quran 2:217.

[2] Quran 2:218.

source : land of lovers
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