Sunday 24th of November 2024
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Why the earth is created?

The Holy Qur'an in chapter 20, verse 53 says: He who appointed the earth to be a cradle for you.﴿

Allamah Tabataba'i in his Al-Mizan says: "Thus Allah stationed man in the earth to live an earthly life, so that he may earn a provision for his heavenly and exalted life, in the manner that a baby is stationed in the cradle, and is brought up for a more sacred and developed life..." (vol. 14, pg. 171)

From this we come to realize that the earth was created as a preparing ground & means for human perfection and the purity of the heart. Sadly, however, many a people, instead of maintaining it for a good Hereafter, tend to destroy it for selfish gains.

source : http://english.almaaref.org
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