Friday 27th of September 2024
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Imam Hossein's speach in encountering the enemies with the realities and the reaction of those toward them



I am the son of the daughter of your prophet (peace be upon him). I am the son of the successor and cousin of prophet who acknowledged his faith to the prophet before every mother’s son and converted to him and into Islam. Am not I ? Is not Hamzeh, the best of martyrs, the uncle of mine and that of my father? Is not Jaffar Tayyar (who enjoys two wings in the paradise to go sightseeing) my uncle? A man who his origin, thought, blood and basis is rooted from Islam and faith, is on the lookout for nothing but faith and Islam. Of course, I am seeking to revive Islam. Faith to God and chastity of prophet hood immunes me from wrongdoing, infringements and violation of people’s right. You have to know me sooner than everybody else does  

Are not you notified of the words that messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) stated about my brother and me? The prophet stated “Hassan and Hussein are among the angels in the paradise, they are the best of youth in the paradise and they are worthy of it”. So confirm my words because they are nothing but the truth. By Allah, I have not had in my mind to tell a lie since I have been in the world. Lying turns God against men and God inflict losses on lying. However, if you contradict my words, I can provide you with a short cut. Many people among you have knowledge of my words. They have learned them by heart.  Go to them to enquire about the truth. Ask Jaaber Ebn Abdullah Ansari, Abi Saeed Khedri, Sahl Ebn Saad Saaedi, Zaid Ebn Argham or Anas Ebn Maalek. They have heard directly from the messenger of Allah who was speaking about my brother and me. Is not my killing against divine will or against that of his messenger?o 

When Imam Hussein (a) was speaking, Shemr Ebn Zeljoshan interrupted Imam (a), faced him and said, “nobody could understand you but atheist”.  Habib Ebn Mazaher retorted Shemr in seconds and said “by God, you are a seventy time away from theism. you are right and I certify your words. You cannot understand Imam Hussein (a) because God has set a seal on your hearts and has turned your wisdom to folly. Afterwards”, Imam Hussein (a) went on to say:

Killing a man from the household of the prophet – who is the founder of Islam – casts aspersions on Islam’s dignity and honor. You may hesitate in believing my words; you don’t have to entertain doubt about my descent however. Am not I the son of the daughter of your prophet? By God, you will never find a son for the daughter of the prophet in the whole world other than me 

Woe is to you, oh, woe is to you. Who has given you the right to shed my blood? How do you justify yourself in killing me? I have not killed anyone from you to pay the penalty and I have not inflicted losses on your properties. Are you retaliating for undone? What are you avenging for?o 

A deep silence seized the whole battlefield and calm filled every single mouth. Imam’s speech put the entire battlefield on the thinking cap. The heads of enemy’s army were astounded however

5-Imam Hussein (a), then, called: O’ though!  Shabs Ebn Rabaey! Hajar Ebn Abjjar! Ghais Ebn Ashas! Yazid Ebn Hares! Did not you write for me a letter of invitation? You wrote “ the fields are green but fruits are ripe and the time is also ripe to travel”. Did not you? Did not you invite me to travel to your city to serve as your Imam and your leader?o

They answered  “No, we did not.”o

According to Sebt, when Hussein (a) called Shabs Ebn Rabaey, Hajar Ebn Abjjar, Ghais Ebn Ashas and Yazid Ebn Hares, he asked them afterwards : did not you invite me? They replied “No, we did not invite you to Kufah and we cannot understand a single word of your speech. They are all Greek to us”. o

Immediately, Hor shouted in that very minute and said:” I am Hor Ebn Yazid Yarboey. I am a member of you and among Sayyeds (the descendants of the prophet). Yes we did. By God, we wrote a letter to Hussein (a)”.o

He also faced Imam (a) and said “we are those who invited you to this land. Would God inflict death on false men and vanities of the world? I will not be more partial to this world at expense of ruining afterlife.”. He murmured his disagreement and belted his restive horse, joined the small army of Hussein (a) and teamed up with them. Imam Hussein (a) received him with open arms, hailed him as (a) hero and stated, “Well done! By God, you are the best of freeborn in this world and in the world to come”.o

The words of Imam Hussein (a) and hor’s deed filled the commanders of enemy’s army with a deep silence. Although commanders were confused, some ordinary soldiers found pleasure in the deed of Hor as well as in his words. Of course, Hor’s bravely act showed beyond doubt his freedom. He could not stand the untrue of his friends (when they said,” No, we did not invite Hussein to Kufah”). He could not tolerate inadmissible and unjust, he begged to differ, lodged a protest and joined Hussein (a). o  



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