Friday 27th of September 2024
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Great faithfulness, Great words

Abdullah Jaafar, his sons, his brothers and his nephews told Hussein (a) “For what reason we have to leave you?  To stay alive later than your death ? Never, it is our fervent wish not to keep breathing after you. God forbid our life later than your death.


Abbas (a) beats others in willingness to stay for the sake of Hussein (a). Afterwards, following Abbas (a), other assistants went by his words and did similar to what Abbas (a) did. Imam Hussein (a) then faced the family of Aghil (Bani Aghil) and said, “O’ Ebn Aghil , one of your family , Moslem ,has been killed, losing him is enough for you therefore you don’t have to stay and fight, you had better leave here.”

“Glory belongs to Allah , If we leave you alone, we will not make our family proud in the sight of people. We will not leave alone our leader and our head who is the greatest in our family. We will not leave the best of our cousins and depart from your campsite untimely. We have not shot at your enemies until now and we have not drawn our swords to kill them yet.  If we go away from Karbala, we will not be answerers to the people forever. By God, not only we never do indecent act of leaving you alone but also we sacrifice our lives, our belongings and all our family for you. God forbid our lives after you. We will kill and we will depart our life by your side.  We never seek fate other than yours.  The world without Hussein does not cost even a penny in the sight of Aghil’s family” they then replied Hussein(a)

Therefore, the sons of Muslim Ebn Aghil (Abdullah Ebn Muslim And Mohammad Ebn Muslim ) , his brothers ( Abdurrahman Ebn Aghil and Jaafar Ebn Aghil) and his nephew ( Mohammad Ebn Abi Saeid Ebn Aghil ) said the same either . They had come to know that a world without Hussein (a) is worthless. 

Abu Mokhanaf Tabbari has quoted from Zahak Ebn Ghays:”At no time, especially the time at which your tents are besieged by enemies, we leave you alone. It would not be easy to find a pretense in the presence of Allah. If we do not pay our debt to you and if we do not perform our duty, Allah does not accept our excuses and pretexts.  By God, I will not depart from you Unless I thrust my sword to the hilt into adversary’s belly and my spear in their hearts.   I will not leave you unless I put the head of your enemies at the edge of my swords. Even when I lose my weapon I never leave you alone and I keep fighting by hurling stones at your enemy Until my death.” Then, Muslim Ebn Ausajah Stood up, and said , “By eternal being of Allah we will not let you be lonely in order to show our attachment and devotion to his messenger to God by assisting you in his absence.  By God if I were aware that I would be killed for seventy times and then come alive and be turned my burnt dead body into ashes afterwards, I would have not separated from you unless the death forcing us to separate from each other . However, I never meet death before than you die. Total devotion to you cost me my insignificant life and I sacrifice it in your presence. Surely, dying for your sake is a never-ending proud and a never-dying value rather than death and mortality” A little while later Saeid Ebn Abdullah Hanafi stood up and said. Next to him, Zahir Ebn Ghays who his wealth of self-sacrifice equals with that of all inhabitants of a world said that By God, I wish I would have kept your life and that of your youth by losing my life a thousand times. I was keen to die a thousand times and when interred in soil to come alive again if I had saved you and other brave youths in your family.

And indeed Zahir, the big orator of proud and glory, made final notice.

The last speech delivered to assistants

All Hussein’s assistants, agreeing in thought and words, exchanged the same words by saying “by God we don’t part from you, on the contrary, we stay by your side. We are all ready to die for you by beheading in your way and cutting our hands off and our foreheads to save you, maybe. We do not hold out to the last and we do not (won’t) remain true to our promise unless by giving our lives in your way.

Oh , passer- by, deliever our message to all those lovers of Mohammad  (s) :

فاذا نحن قتلنا کنا و فینا و قضینا متا علینا"

What a strange words: We do not hold out to the last and we won’t remain true to our promise unless by giving our lives in your way.

Imam Hussein (a) could not dissuade his assistants from their decision therefore; “may God reward thee and then returned to his tent.” He said

These words and lectures greatly impressed all members in gathering of Hussein’s assistants and all those related to it. They broke up their gathering and went away to commence night. It was just one day ago wherein, they besieged by enemy, suffered from difficulties. They therefore received a respite to put an end on all those hardships. Now, it is nighttime. Every moment that is passed adds to their eagerness and their morale to resist. 

“Afterwards, Imam Hussein (a) moved to one side. He, along one of his black soldiers, went to the tent of arms and weapons to put them right. In the tent, a heart-rending event befell him. Zaynab (a), his sister, showed her restlessness and concern over what that comes next. Imam Hussein (a) consoled Zaynab (a) and his household and went out from the tents. He, then went to his assisstant to give them a hand in changing the position of tents.  His departure from the tents of his household extinguished the fire of restlessness in their heart. Even those heart-rending scenes could not change his iron-will. His soldier’s stronghold is nothing but the Iron will they took from his”.

The night was full of lessons they took from Hussein (a), although, they, in their own turn, had many things in generosity and greatness to offer.  However, the greatness they learn from Hussein (a), as a crown that shines forever, adorns all their good qualities. They knew well that what comes next and they knew how they win the topmost degrees of greatness.


تلک المکارم لا قعبان من لبن

شیبا بماء فعادا بعد ابوالا

للّه درّهم من عصبه خرجوا

ما ان تری لهم  فی الناس امثالا

Sayyed Tavossi says  “on the night of Ashura, Bashir Ebn Amr Hazrami was informed of his son’s captivity (Omar Ebn Bashir) in the borderlines of the city of Ray. A messenger entered Hussein’s campsite nightly, went to Bashir Ebn Amr Hazrami, and gave him the message of his son’s captivity.  Bashir replied, in the sight of Allah, I consider my state and that of my son. I am always fond of my son.  I never take a liking to my life when my son is imprisoned. It is a good thing that I die little after his captivity.

Hussein (a) heard his words and stated may God bless your soul. I permit you to go off your duty now. You do not need to hold out to the last anymore. You are free to go. Go and lift the ban from your son.

He, however replied Hussein (a) “It would be better to be eaten by wild animals rather than leaving you alone despite littleness in your army. I will not part from you to inquire about your death from passer-bys and cameleers. O, Aba Abdullah, by no means I part from you”.  Then Imam stated, “Take these striped clothes (a precious cloth from Yemen) and give them to your son, Mohammad (his other son) to pay as ransom for his brother release. Maybe lift the ban from him”.

It is quoted “ Imam gave him five peaces of clothes that were worth 5 thousands Dinars (Arab’s Monetary Unit)”.

It comes into view that martyrs, in stream of darks that meanders toward morning, wait for the next day to see what happens to their greatest beloved.  They do not fear those wild animals in the battlefield. Their departure from life is certain and they know it well. They only consider the day of reckoning.  Let us go back to their last words of promise in their gathering (God forbid our life after Hussein). It was as nothing but a signature under their letter of promise. They, adorned in crown and lights of faithfulness, were true to their promise.  In their mind, performance of duty and keeping the promise was put into practice only by losing their life for the sake of their beloved. Signature was meaningless, otherwise.


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