Wednesday 3rd of July 2024
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What men of God did in the last night of their life

In the last night, Imam Hussein (a) went to the combat equipment magazine to put them right and straight. He was on speaking terms with a sword when his sister’s crying befell him and stopped him from job for a while. He, however, relying upon his iron will, comforted their extreme sadness and kept on working as well. Then, he went out from magazine and gave soldiers a hand to put straight the position of other tents. He proved his firmness in his way to freedom and holy war. Abu Mokhanaf Tabbari quotes from Hares Ebn Kaeb and Abuzahak quoting from Ali Ebn Hussein (a) “the night on the morrow my father was killed, I was sitting in a tent and my aunt, Zaynab, was sitting beside to nurse me and to take care of me. At that time my father kept away and went to a special tent (for combat equipments) to get his soldiers assistance repair combat materials.  Jaun Ebn Howay, the servant of Abuzar Ghafari was with my father. He was putting my father’s sword right. My father said “o World, fie on you. Fie on you that lay a claim to friendship. You are too small to deserve my friendship. You are not trustworthy enough to draw my attention. Necessity, exigencies and your deceitful beauties never deceives me to go astray. I do not submit myself to your circumstances. Despite your power and greatness and your use of force, I do not resign myself to your will. Although great and powerful, I don’t overestimate you. No pain and no trouble from you bother me at all.”

Oh, world, you cannot take me captive by your love. Surely, you do not tame me and you are not tamable. You will not be an intimate friend and lovely enough.  Countless killed in the time of daybreak , numberless dead at the close of day and innumerable couples who are not alive anylonger,  were one of your lovers. Of course, you are the world, inhuman and cruel.  You are not inclined to have friendship with us.  You are disagreeing and unfriendly even with those who are upright and good doer. You never show continence in killing one or two.  I do not fear anything from your side and break off relations with you. I leave everything to the day of judgment when I return to God. surly every soul shall have a taste of death, returns to God,then .

Imam Sajjad (a) added, my father repeated these words twice or three times, I understood the meaning of his words as well as whatever he had in view, thereafter. He had in mind to fight the days (world). He lost sight of submitting himself to circumstances and he had not in mind to humble himself to destinies either.  He was determined to kick up a row to raise a tumult. His words were a whisper of war. He had decided to cut every single relation with enemy’s army. I was choked with tears and sorrow. Sorrow drove me to the limit of cry, I kept crying in check, however.  The misfortune had afflicted us; I kept silent and did not say a single word, however, Zainab, my aunt, overheard his words. Not unlike every single woman, she is of kind sentiments and endowed with coming to tears quickly, thereby  she did not restrained himself from going toward my father (Hussein). She, barefooted, reached to the site of Imam (a) and said; I wish I would depart from life. I have lost my mother Fatemeh (a), likewise my father Ali (a) and my brother Hassan (a). You are the successor of my every deceased and my sole protection.

Imam Sajjad (a) also quoted “Then, my father faced Zainab (s) and stated”Oh, my honorable sister, you have to stop yourself from impatience because impatience renders you submissive to obey Satan. Seek for assistance from patience.  We are going to meet greatest incidents that we have ever encountered”.

The words of brother (Hussein) comforted Zainab .  Once more the dignity of prophecy became visible in her; therefore, she started talking with brother rather than grieving. Of course, the soldiers of holy war are on trial from the side of Allah by involving with the love of females and entangling in feeling wholeheartedly for them. 

At that point, Zainab told Hussein “Do you want to cause to be killed? Do you bring about the death of yourself? May I be the ransom! It seems that you plan to sacrifice yourself with much importunity. You pave the way for the death like a willing desirous”.

The great woman of Islam had got to know that Imam Hussein (a) decides on death according to his desire. She had bet that Imam Hussein (a) likes resistance better because Imam had travelled to Karbala with free will. Then, Imam Hussein (a) choked by tears, gave vent to his feelings and burst into tears afterwards. Imam said “ If a homeless bird enjoys safety from hunter, it will go into sleep at night rather than changing the nest. No my sister. It is neither in my power to choose my way nor by my choice to select a way rather than resistance and being killed. It is not my free will but force of swords makes me to decide on  resistance. I , willy nilly, meet my end and lose my life”.

Zainab will not fear hardships and adversities if hardships are according to her brother’s free will and integral to his success. She,however, has unveiled the matter. For her, It has become known that Hussein (a) has not any choice. The force of swords  and might of enemy’s army  has driven the life of Imam (a) too close to death. The choice is not his and this fact makes Zainab (a) restless.  

Zainab then stated, “Woe is to me. You mean that you are totally subdued by enemy. This fact wounds my heart and hurts my mind”. Speaking with her brother in an upset voice, Zainab (a) caused her face injury. She, then, thrust hand in her collar to rend. She tore apart her collar. Fainting from sorrow, she fell into a fit, afterwards. 

The reason for her restlessness and uneasiness is nothing but a recently naked truth. She had hitherto imagined that suffering martyrdom is in her brother’s power rather than the force of swords from the part of mighty enemy. This naked fact made her restless; otherwise, she would not have lost patient. Apart from that, Zainab was patient enough to hold out such hardships. Surely she enjoys a supreme dignity, she has patient enough to tolerate adversities for the sake of reformatory goals. To be just, such a goal is worth the hardships. Everything is endurable but to live in slavery and captivity,                    الموت و لا ذل الاستعباد (Death and not humiliation of slavery)”.

Imam Hussein (a) got up, went to Zainab (a) and poured water on her face. Then, Imam stated:” Oh honorable sister, fear God and console yourself with remembrance of God. Know it for sure that all those who dwell on the earth and those in the heavens live a transient life. Surely, every being is doom to decline except living God who created the earth. God musters the dead afterwards to return to the day of resurrection while he is the unique God.

My father was superior to me. My mother also was worthier than I was. This is the case about my greater brother. The pain and distress that Messenger of Allah suffered from consoled the pain of my father, my mother and my brother. His pains have to be consolatory to me and to every single Muslim. In truth, Hussein’s martyrdom is neither the success of enemy nor the last resort of Imam. His martyrdom is directed to a supreme purpose, on the contrary.  It is a real success for Hussein (a); suffering from agonies is nothing but a preliminary step to this achievement, therefore. Prophets did the same and took pains for the cause of their purpose.

Imam Hussein (a) consoled Zainab (a) with such words. Advising his sister (a) once more, Imam Hussein (a) stated, “My honorable sister, I have a fervent wish. I ask you to swear to follow my wish .Then, keep your promise. Do not rend your collar for the sake of my death, do not wound your face to mourn me and like those overtaken by disaster, do not lament your brother.

Imam accompanied that gentlewoman to my bedside and seated her near to me. He, afterwards went away to join his assistants. He ordered them to tie their tents to each other(s) and entangle the ropes. In order to fight enemy in one flank, he also ordered them to stay between two lines of tied northern and southern tents.  In this way, the tents, as strongholds, would cover them from back, right and left flanks.  In addition, between two lines of northern and southern tents that serve as two walls, they would be safe and easy to fight against enemy just at the forefront.

According to military terms, they took up a position, a good and fortified position.  One can infer their defensive position as follows: They deployed fighters in the midst of defensive position where two lines of tent-made walls covered them to enjoy safety from right and left flanks. They also contrived a ditch, cut into the ground and filled with flames, at the backside to cover them from behind.  It was a firm barricade on enemy’s advance from the back.  They were after fighting from one and only side. They did these entire things with great pleasure. To fulfill their promises and to put into practice the decisions they took at the last night, Hussein’s assistants made preliminary arrangements. They performed their duty one after another. Each completed task, as  a propaganda, was of use to amplify their self-esteem. Surely, each episode in that important occasion closely resembled to a great adventure and every task that assistants performed did a good turn to abandon the world and to fall in love with what is beyond. Giving earnest heed to the king of heavenly world makes the assistants of Hussein (a) fonder to leave behind the material world. Not only God remembrance but also the forcible propagandistic happenings in the battlefield of Ashura added their desire to give up worldly things and sacrifice their lives for the sake of Hussein (a). Even one of these factors and no more, was enough for assistants to risk their life.  Sincere and pure note to Allah won out their heart to become captivated by shinning divine lights. The feelings of comfort from a sweetheart (Imam Hussein) gain mastery to fascinate assistants rather than use of force from a stranger. From the depth of heart, an honest worshipper of God never goes astray. Using force such as being lashed with whips, therefore, never involves them in error.

Men of God find the direct way, although in the dark.

Keeping watch over prophet’s household worries assistants. They were in love with this family and this love ravished their hearts. Enjoying a feverish eagerness, therefore, the assistants were bearing up a heavy burden. They were all anxious about the health of prophet’s household.

Imam Hussein (a) returned to his tent afterwards. He stayed up all night to pray. Saying his prayer, Imam Hussein (a) asked God’s forgiveness. He prayed the whole night.  The assistants also did the same. They stayed up the night, prayed and asked God’s forgiveness. Like the bees buzzing in the beehive, the campsite was buzzing with susurrus words of prayers echoed in the site. One has bent down the knee to pray, another one has touched the ground with forehead. One is standing to pray, the other one sitting to call, however.  They all had stayed up during the night. They had chosen solitude to derive greatest pleasures from their invocations .Hussein (a) is ever-praying and excellence of every single virtue belongs to him.

The fighter’s nighttime and vigilance of enemy

Tabari quoting from Zahak Ebn Adullah Mashreghi says “when the night cast a dark shadow on the campsite, Hussein (a) and his assistants stayed up all the night praying, repenting and asking God’s forgiveness.  At the same time, mounted on a horse, a group of fighters from enemy’s army was passing in front of them to watch them carefully. Hussein’s assistants were under strict surveillance all the night. On the same night Azrat Ebn Ghays Ahmasi was the commander in charge of those troops who were on the lookout. He was also commander-in-chief for all mounted soldiers. Imam Hussein (a) was reciting this verse from the Holy Quran:

وَلَا تَحْسَبَنَّ الَّذِينَ قُتِلُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ أَمْوَاتًا بَلْ أَحْيَاءٌ عِنْدَ رَبِّهِمْ يُرْزَقُونَ

Do not think of  those who have been slain in God's way as dead but they are alive finding their sustenance in the presence of their God.

Imam Sajjad (a) stated” When Hussein (a) was reciting the verse; one of the enemy’s riders who was watching us heard this verse and said, The lord of Kaaba purified us as we are not joined to you anymore. Imam Hussein (a) said “I know the rider”. Then, Imam faced Barir Ebn Khazir (one of his assistants) and asked him, do you know this rider? Barrir answered “No”. Imam (a) Afterwards told Barir: “This is Abu Harb Sabiei Abdullah Ebn Shahr”. Then Imam Hussein (a) and Barir had words about it.”





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