Monday 23rd of December 2024
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The last will to his relatives

Abu Basir says: After the martyrdom of Imam Sadiq (AS) I went to his house to offer my condolences. When I entered into the house Ummeh Hameedeh saw me and started to cry, I also cried and then she said: if you would see Imam while he was leaving this world, you would get surprised, he in his last moments opened eyes and said call to all relatives, I did so, and then he stated: whoever ignore prayer will not get our intersession.[1]


[1] . "عن ابي بصير قال: دخلت علي أم حميدة أعزيها بأبي عبدالله الصادق (ع) فبكت و بكيت لبكائها ثم قالت يا أبا محمد لو رأيت أبا عبدالله (ع) عندالموت لرأيت عجبا فتح عينيه ثم قال: اجمعوا إلي كل من بيني و بينه قرابة قالت: فلم نترك أحدا إلاجمعناه قالت فنظر إليهم ثم قال: إن شفاعتنا لا تنال مستخفا باالصلاة

 Al-Amaali, Shaikh Sadooq: 484, Majles 73, Tradition No: 10; Bihar Al-Anwar: 80/19, chapter 6, Tradition No: 31. 

source : Aspect of Prayer By Husayn Ansarian
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