Monday 3rd of February 2025
نفر 0

Hypocritical person

One night a stranger came into a mosque, a dog was sleeping in the corner of that mosque. Shortly when that dog started moving, the stranger person thought that someone from this district has sit in the mosque. So he started to establish his prayer without taking ablution hoping this person to inform the people about his worship and adoration and then he can gain a reputation and respect in the mentioned district.


When the day dawned, the dog moved its ears and left the mosque. This miserable person was busy worshiping whole night. When it was morning, he came to the Sheikh of that district so that he informs other people about the condition of his worship. When Sheikh saw that unpleasent weariness, he said: “in which furnace had you been involved that you seem worse than the Jews of Kheibar?

source : Aspect of Prayer By Husayn Ansarian
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