Saturday 29th of June 2024
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The Prophet (a.s.) trades with her money

Prophet Muhammad (before prophethood) suggested to his uncle Abu Talib, who loved him too much, that he wanted to trade with the money of Lady Khadijah, and Abu Talib agreed to his suggestion.

Al-Wafidi says that it was his uncle Abu Talib, who encouraged him to trade with the money of Lady Khadijah by saying to him, ‘O my nephew, I am a man of no money, and life is difficult for us, and severe years have struck us and left us neither with money nor with trade. These are the caravans of your people ready to go to Sham, and Khadijah sends men to trade with her money and get profits. If you go to her, she will prefer you to all others because she has been informed about your fidelity and purity, though I hate for you to go to Sham, and I fear for you from the Jews. I was informed that she had hired so-and-so for two camels, and we do not accept for you like what she had given to him. Do you want me to talk to her about you?’[1]

The Prophet (a.s.) said, ‘As you like, uncle.’

[1] Uyoon al-Athar, vol.1 p.57. At-Tabari in his Tareekh, vol.2 p.126, mentioned that Khadijah had suggested to the Prophet (a.s.) to go to Sham trading with her money.

The Prophet (a.s.), or his uncle Abu Talib asked Lady Khadijah to trade with her capital, and she responded delightedly for she knew that Muhammad was honest and with high morals unlike the youth of Quraysh who were involved in play and pleasures.

She gave him some monies and sent with him her servant Maysarah. The Prophet (a.s.) went to Sham. He sold his goods in Sham, bought others from there, and came back. He made great profits that no one from those, who traded with the money of Lady Khadijah, had ever made before him. Maysarah was astonished by the wonders he saw in his travel with the Prophet (a.s.). He saw a cloud moving over them to make a shadow for the Prophet (a.s.), and he saw the Prophet’s special looks at the heaven that showed deep faith in Allah.

Lady Khadijah was pleased with the talk of her servant. She loved the Prophet (a.s.) and thought he would have a great future that would include all the earth.

source : http://www.maaref-foundation.com/
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