Saturday 29th of June 2024
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The Holy Prophet (S) spread his cloak over

A. Jalaluddin `Abdul-Rahman bin Abi Bakr Suyuti (d 911 A.H.) in his commentary “Al-Dur al-Manthur”, 198/5-199, Muhammad ibn `Isa Tirmidhi (3 279 A.H.) the author of “Jami' Sahih”, Hakim Nishaburi (d 405 A.H.) in “Al-Mustadrak ala al-Sahihayn”, Ahmad ibn Husayn Bayhaqi (d 458 A.H.) in “Sunan” (all three of whom have considered the Kisa' tradition as authentic), Muhammad ibn Jarir Tabari (d 315 A.H.), Ibn Munzir Muhammad ibn Ibrahim (d 319 A.H.), Ibn Mardawayh Isfahani, and Ahmad ibn Musa (d 410 A.H.) have quoted Ummu Salamah, the wife of the Holy Prophet (S) as saying that the verse

... Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! And to purify you a thorough purifying (33:33)”

was revealed in her house. At that time, `Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn (peace be upon them all) were in her house. The Holy Prophet (S) spread his cloak over them and stated: “These are the members of my Household, and Allah has purified them of all (sins and faults and uncleanness).”

B. Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hanbal, the Hanbali Imam, (d 241 A.H.), in “Musnad” 229/2 quotes Ummu Salamah as saying: “The Holy Prophet (S) was in my house. Fatimah (`a) came to her father holding a stone bowl filled with “harirah” (type of food made up of flour, milk, and vegetable oil). The Holy Prophet (S) stated: Invite your husband and two sons to come as well.” `Ali, Hasan, and Husayn also came there and all sat down to eat “harirah”.

Then, the Holy Prophet (S) was sitting on a cloak in his resting place and I was reciting the prayer in the chamber. At this time, Almighty Allah revealed the verse “Allah only desires to ...”. The Holy Prophet (S) covered `Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn (peace be upon them all) with the cloak and then stretched his hand toward the sky and said: “Allah! These are the Members of my Household, so purify them of all uncleanness'. Ummu Salamah said: “I asked him: “Am I also with you?” He stated: “You are on good and virtue” (but did not say that you are a member of my Household)'.”

This tradition has also been narrated by Ahmad ibn Muhammad Tahawi (d 321 A.H.) in “Mushkil al-Athar” 332 and 334; Wahidi in “Asbab al-Nuzul” 268 and Muhib Tabari (d 694 A.H.) in “Zakhair al-`Uqba” 23 have related this tradition. In continuation of this tradition, Tabari has written that the Prophet (S) stated: “I am a friend of whosoever is friends with them and an enemy of whosoever is an enemy of them.

The said tradition of similar statements have been recorded in “Manaqib” by Ibn Hanbal, 44, the microfilm copy of the book is available in the Parliament Library. Tabari remarked: “This tradition has been narrated from Umma Salamah by Ibn al-Qubabi in “Mu'jam” and Siyuti in “Al-Dur al-Mnthur” under the title of the “tathir verse”, as well as by Ibn Jarir, Ibn Munzir, Ibn Mardawayh, Ibn Abi Hatam and Ibn Tabrani.”

C- Khatib Baghdadi, Ahmad bin `Ali, (d 463 A.H.) in “The History of Baghdad” 278/10, has quoted Abu Saeed Khidri S`ad bin Malik (d 74 A.H.) as saying that after the revelation of the “tathir verse”, the Holy Prophet (S) summoned `Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn (peace be upon them all) and covered them with the cloak he had on and said: “These are the members of my Household, and Allah has purified them (of every wrong and sin).” The same tradition has been narrated from Ummu Salamah by Muhammad ibn Jarir Tabari in “Jam`a al-Bayan” 7/22.

D- In “Sahih Muslim” (narrated by Sayyid Murtada Firoozabadi in “Fadail al-Khamsah min Sihah al-Sitah” 214/1), Safiyah, the daughter of Shayba, has narrated `Aishah, the wife of the Holy Prophet (S), as saying: “One morning, the Messenger of Allah left the house with a cloak made of black material and bearing the design of a camel's saddle. Hasan ibn `Ali entered the place, and the Prophet (S) covered him with the cloak. Then came Husayn, Fatimah, and `Ali one after another, and all of them were also covered by the cloak. The Prophet (S) then stated: ... Allah only desires to keep away uncleanness from you, O people of the House! And to purify you a (thorough) purifying.

This tradition has been narrated by Hakim Nishaburi in “Al-Mustadark” 14/3; Bayhaqi in “Sunan” 149/2; Tabari in the “Jami al-Bayan” Siyuti in “al-Durri al-Manthur” under the title of the “tathir verse”. In addition, Ibn Abi Shaybah, Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hanbal, Ibn Abi Hatam have narrated it from `Aishah. Zamakhshari in “Kashshaf” and Fakhr Razi in “Tafsir Kabir” have also related this tradition. It seems that the recorders of traditions are unanimous about the authenticity of this tradition (“Fadail al-Khamsah” 224/1).

E- In the “Jami al-Bayan” Muhammad bin Jarir Tabari has quoted Shahr bin Hushab Ash'air (d 100 A.H.) as saying: “When Ummu Salamah heard news of the martyrdom of Husayn bin `Ali (`a), she cursed the people of Iraq and said: `May Allah kill the people of Iraq who deceived him and left him alone. May Allah curse them. Verily, I saw Fatimah while bringing a stone bowl of sweet paste for the Holy Prophet (S). The Holy Prophet (S) stated: `Where is your cousin?' She said: `At home.' The Prophet (S) said: `Go bring him here with his two sons.' Fatimah returned while holding the hands of Hasan and Husayn. `Ali also followed them, and they came to the Holy Prophet (S).

The Holy Prophet (S) embraced Hasan and Husayn and made `Ali sit on his right and Fatimah on left. He then the cloak as the carpet on which we slept in Medina and placed it over Fatimah, `Ali, Hasan, and Husayn. He held the two sides of the cloak with his left hand. He raised his right hand toward the sky addressing Almighty Allah by saying: `O Allah, purify them of any uncleanness . O Allah, these are the members of my Household. Purify and cleanse them of any vice, wrong, and sin,' (He repeated this twice). I asked: `O Messenger! Am I also a member of your Household?' He said: `You come under the cloak.' I also went under the cloak, but only after the Prophet (S) finished his prayer for his cousin, his two sons, and Fatimah (peace be upon them all).

This tradition has been related by Ahmad bin Muhammad ibn Hanbal in “Musnad” 292/6: Tahwi in “Mushkil al-Athar” 335/1; and Muhib Tabari in “Zakhair al-`Uqba” 22/1. The Kisa' tradition which has been narrated in different forms by the Shias and the Sunnis is very sacred for the entire Imamiyyah, especially the Shia of Iran, the Indian subcontinent, Iraq, and Yemen.

It is recited in “rawdah” sessions (mourning ceremony) to have the wishes fulfilled and problems removed. Some narration provide more details on this tradition. Some say that Jibraeel and Mikaeel were also among the disciples of the Kisa' or were present there. A divine revelation was descended on the Holy Prophet (S) to the effect that the world and whatever is in it is indebted to these five pure ones.

source : http://www.al-islam.org
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