Wednesday 3rd of July 2024
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Prophet Magnanimity (PBUH) troubled Him

Prophet Magnanimity (PBUH) troubled Him

Being shaved his long mustache; he has disguised his dense white hair under a wig. For a while, the sentence which was reported by CNN sparkled in his mind, he was called a priest looking for an opportunity to be famous. He put his shoulders back and the sunglasses could hide his eyes. Through his sunglasses he could see holding the Nobel Prize then he burst into a satanic laugh and stepped out. He was sure of not being recognized with anyone. In a few days as he was surrounded by mass reporters and going anywhere by bodyguards nobody could see him. He remembered the time he was used to going away, walking in New York. He really craved for a day experience the fresh air out of black windows and ironed frames. As he was walking he had a flash back to the day he had an interview with Zionist press Hares and an American Press Wall Street Journal. The different photos taken by all press photographers added to his enthusiasm. As he was stepping away proudly, his eyes were fixed with the photo of twin towers in a news stand which was illustrated in New York Times Press. Next to that was another magazine which had an interview with Michel Moor, it was the last documentary facts about the event of September 11th and the secret hands of the Zionist regime involved with it. He also believed that one day these secrets would be revealed. He remembered how he stood against making a mosque just two streets down where the Twin Towers were located and the time he burned The Qur'an in his poor church in Gaines Will Florida. It was as if his eyes were also burned as the result of the smoke he had ignited. He really liked to remove his sunglasses but he thought even for a moment he should not disclose his identity. As his eyes were closed as the result of the burning he was feeling behind his eyes, he led his own way. A middle aged man with blond hair and in short blue denim ran into Terry and crushed with him severely as he was running. His eyes were bulged and looking to the runner with terror mixed with anxiety. The man uttered "sorry"‌ as he was smiling at the same time Terry gazed at the Jesus Cross around the man's neck and without saying anything shook his head repeatedly. He referred to his mind again and his memory was refreshed as he was walking to his formal Vatican and International Council of Ghabtitian sentence. The letter of 120 which was sent by The society of Christian Ghabties to The U.S.A along with the allied lines of religious Jewish made him furious dramatically. Suddenly, he found himself gazing at Freedom Statue through his sunglasses .He laughed slyly; he was worshipping that Statue like an idol. He felt dizzy and it seemed to him as the Statue was falling down. He had a kind of hallucination .Everything went back and forth to him. He could not move even an inch. He sat down and made his hands a protection for his head, he shouted spontaneously "HELP"‌, "HELP"‌ While he was shouting, he cast his look on a pair of woman shoes which appeared exactly in front of him. Surprisingly, he shifted his way of look up and saw how she was puzzled but cool then he saw her had a curious look. He looked at the statue which was there senseless and tough as usual. He removed his hand out of his head and as he was standing up, he looked on the woman's black hands which were full of books. The African woman who saw his problem solved led her way gracefully without asking any questions but the man gazing at her scarf was thinking about her senility. He started moving away hopelessly. In the crowd of the streets terror came back to him. He disguised himself with the hair in the wig .He was more relaxed in this way since he could be less seen and also probably less recognized. He desired to set up a public trial against a person who was the epitome of kindness by all Muslims. Now all streets were places for his own trial and in this event all were present, American Muslims, liberal American citizens ,some missionary representatives from Vatican, Christians, Jewish priests, some representatives from United Nations and Human right Organization, American ambassadors in other countries even the cheated actors whom he has supported them. He was disguising himself out of mobs with fear, he came across a man carrying bunches of flowers and bestowing them to people. He grabbed a flower with the idea of changing his mood with the smell of flower .His eyes could see nothing just darkness behind those black sunglasses therefore, he turned to the first turn in order to get rid of those sun glasses for while. The street was so deserted that made him a little relaxed. Spontaneously, he fell himself in a water channel His back crashed against a big but somehow leafless tree .All the leaves of that tree were withered and old. Then a few of them fell on his head. He was lost in thought as he felt terror crept to all his body as in was coincided with a few leaves fell on his shoulders. Hastily he get his head off the leaves and had a bitter look on them and as his eyes were tied with the show on the TV he squeezed the image of his soul in his hands. The horrified eyes of the man imagined the leaf like the fibers of spiders adhered to his hands. He tried to get off the crumbs of leaf out of his hand to be ensured no trace of leaf would be left on his hand and hurriedly removed the glasses out of his eyes and smelled the flower deeply but suddenly saw a sentence which was written on it :"Muhammad peace be upon him was elected to complete our morality"‌. The smell of flower was heavy for him and the height of channel was really high to him. He felt dizzy and tried to sleep on the ground to avoid falling in the channel. He stretched his legs hopelessly but filled with anger .He was about to throw the flower away but a cute little girl grabbed the flower agilely and jumped over his legs which blocked their ways. A sudden crash behind him made him turn his head towards the sound with terror but it was the door of the electronics shop whose owner raised it up to open. The shopkeeper looked into his eyes for a moment which were full of terror and it was detectable easily despite the dark glasses. The shopkeeper entered his shop as Terry turned his head away but later Terry felt the shopkeeper look at him as he was observing the girl running away with cute smile and triumphal manner. He could see how cute little girl was getting away farther and farther. Ignoring the shopkeeper's curious attention to him, he was following the girl's enthusiasm which was flying high in the wind like her cape in the air behind her. The owner of the shop came out of the shop with the excuse of cleaning the shop windows out of curiosity and looked at him time to time but could see nothing more than misery in terry's face. He fed up waiting and made a risk of breaking the silence and asked "anything wrong?"‌ Terry answered without hesitation and continuously with gesture of his head "no nothing, nothing"‌. He tried to remove himself out of the ground with difficulty and reached the dry tree to lean to. As the owner of the shop was deep in his thought, he crept into his shop and started tuning the TV canals. Exactly at that moment the big TV which was set in window shop had The Eminent of the Truth as it was eligible to be broad casted on Press TV in Sahar Network. The program was on the air and it was observable on that big TV but it was as if as it was paused for a moment. He could not believe his eyes the appearance of love gathering as he was leaned to that dry tree. The kind of love which was fighting him and the fear which stood bravely against him and pushed him back .He could not do anything just put his fearful steps back. While the owner of the shop was astonished at the sight of his fear, he left the TV guide and shouting behind him "be careful"‌. He was completely captivated by the kind of love he was witnessed and presented by people that he was not able to hear the man shouting to him. It was the sound of the brakes that his eyes left the program on Sahar Tv and looked at the driver who was shouting at him. Without saying a word to the driver he ran away and left the scene. The sense of insecurity came to him and tempted him to come back to the hotel but the scenes on TV made him bewildered that he got lost easily and come out in a misleading street. He was leading toward the hotel with fast paces as a cute and agile boy came by running and laughing joyfully. In his hands, there were some beautiful dandelion flowers, some beautiful pink flowers that the man has not ever seen in his life. As the boy was running the flowers came apart and the dandelions flew up high and the delegate fragrance of the pink flowers along with the delightful voice of the child filled the atmosphere, it was completely aromatic. With all the anxiety that the man could bear that scene was as sweet as a dream to him. He tried to slow down his pace and witness that dream in order to soothe his soul a little. A few steps behind, a tall old man in white was running behind the boy shouting "Muhammad!"‌ "Muhammad!. "With cry of that call Terry imagined that he was suddenly thrown some miles back at once. Suddenly, he felt a long horrifying distance between himself and all that beauty. His heart started to beat fast. He started running as he could not hear the old man cry and joyful laugh of the boy anymore. In his run he thought of himself a savage soldier who has gone to fight so many Souls. He remembered some liberal Jewish and Christian people's views which were read by his friend in mocking ways out of newspapers. "The freedom of people with holly nature is in freedom from belligerent satin and not fastened with insulting the scarified heroes of history"‌. "The most fundamental element in the United Nations Charter is to respect holly religions and prophets"‌. His body was filled with terror and he was really in urgent need of relaxation even for a momentary one. He remembers what his psychiatrics mentioned him. He prescribed him to resort to pretty imagination to get rid of his disturbing mind. He imagined calm beautiful beaches, the places he was promised. He remembered Muslims 'words and his imagined sea became stormy and boisterous, because according to Muslims even sea has come into existence for the sake of The Holly Prophet, therefore it was sufficient for it be the Great Prophet' supporter to the day of the doom and safe and sound for those who love him. The old man started gasping as he was running a lot; he liked to be away from centre of attention for a few moments. He was so anxious and puzzled that he unintentionally and without looking at the sign above the building, stepped into Centre of Islamic Building in New York. The guard was in rest and even the existence of calm guard agitated him. He resorted to the elevator, and nobody was there anymore .His body was drenched with sweltering. He looked at the digits on the elevator board and pressed the last floor. For a moment he remembered Sam Basil .He has hidden himself as he in an unknown place because he we was frightened after his interview with a press about the film entitled "innocent of Muslims"‌ .He leaned to the wall of the elevator to rest for a moment and suddenly at the same time his eyes focused on the sentence written there "Muhammad peace be upon him has grand morality and he is the most humble"‌. Mentioning the grandeur of Muhammad 'morality made his so angry that his heart started pumping restlessly. The images of Muslims on TV while they were carrying signs were refreshed in memory again. The picture was of a big red heart with the name of Muhammad peace be upon him was on it. The famous personality of Muhammad The Great Prophet of Muslims' world the heart of Muslims burned up to his bone. He remembered all his struggles for distributing and broadcasting the film "Innocence of Muslims"‌. He was angry for all his fruitless effort that he exerted to broadcast that film. But he has heard that some news sites have broadcasted some parts of that film and that action re-excited the Muslims again. Angrily, he closed his eyes to remember some famous aspects of his personality in order to seek confidence in it but nothing he could remember except threats and condemnations. His interviews with mass Medias did not make him famous. They just left him the dream of receiving The Nobel Prize. With a lot of effort he tried to focus on that lifeless object but even the image of Nobel Prize even was like a poisonous snake targeted him. With great fear, he opened his eyes and with trembling hands, he pushed the door of the elevator. It reached the seventh floor but the door was stuck. There was still oxygen but he did not know why he could not breathe .He felt suffocating and he wanted to loosen his tie, but he could not make it. Were his hands numbs or it was a blind tie? He fell on the floor haplessly, he raised his crippled fingers and grappled on the elevator key boards, suddenly the elevator moved and crashed to the basement. Terry's eyes fell on the verse. He broke his neck and his eyes left on the closed door.

source : www.tebyan.net
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