Sunday 30th of June 2024
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Buddhist scholar embraces Islam by studying Imam Ali's characteristics

A Buddhist scholar from India has converted to Islam in Turkey. According to trt.turk.com, 33-year-old Shilendra Sing embraced Islam following extensive research on the religion. His interest in Islam began when he was studying for MA in a Malaysian university.
Buddhist scholar embraces Islam by studying Imam Ali's characteristics

A Buddhist scholar from India has converted to Islam in Turkey. According to trt.turk.com, 33-year-old Shilendra Sing embraced Islam following extensive research on the religion.

His interest in Islam began when he was studying for MA in a Malaysian university.

'In Malaysia, when I looked at my Arab friends saying prayers, I felt a void in my life. I felt I was too distant from God. That is why I started to do research on Islam”.

Sing then went to Turkey to get his PhD at Hacettepe University in Ankara.

It was there that he finally took the decision to become a Muslim.

'I studied for ten years to fill the spiritual emptiness I felt in me and now I think the best thing to do fill this void is reading verses from the Holy Quran,' he says.

Sing has chosen the name Ali as his new first name due to his great devotion to Imam Ali (AS).

He says he has been really inspired by the great character of the Imam (AS).

source : abna
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