Thursday 4th of July 2024
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Awaiting the Reappearance of the Saviour of Mankind

Moses said to his people: Turn to Allah for help and be patient; the earth indeed belongs to Allah, and He gives its inheritance to whomever He wishes of His servants, and the outcome will be in favour of the Godwary." (Holy Qur'an 7:128)
Awaiting the Reappearance of the Saviour of Mankind

"Moses said to his people: Turn to Allah for help and be patient; the earth indeed belongs to Allah, and He gives its inheritance to whomever He wishes of His servants, and the outcome will be in favour of the Godwary." (Holy Qur'an 7:128)

Whatever the Almighty Lord has promised will occur, even if it takes centuries to materialize. He gave the tidings of the eventual inheritance of Planet Earth by the faithful and virtuous, no matter how long the wicked tyrannize His creatures who, are indeed patient and have full trust in the Divine Promise.
Note the contents of the above Ayah. It quotes the words of a Prophet who was born through a concealed birth. It means the signs of pregnancy were hardly visible on his virtuous mother, because of the grave situation prevailing in Egypt, where the Pharaoh, having heard of the prophecy of the birth of a boy who would one day bring about his downfall, was slaughtering every newborn male child that year.
We are on the threshold of the auspicious 15th of Sha'ban. It is the anniversary of a similar birth that occurred in the Iraqi city of Samarra in 255 AH (869 AD), where the usurper Abbasid regime had kept Prophet Muhammad's (SAWA) 11th Infallible Heir, Imam Hasan al-Askari (AS), under virtual house arrest.
It was a futile bid to belie the Seal of Divine Messengers, who had given tidings of Twelve Successors after him – the First being his cousin and son-in-law, Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (AS), and the Last being his namesake, who will rise in the end times as the Promised Qa'em al-Mahdi (AS) to end tyranny and corruption by materializing Moses' prophecy to the Israelites of the eventual inheritance of Planet Earth by the Pious.
Perhaps, many of the Israelites, whom Prophet Moses (AS) delivered from ages of oppression, did not believe in God's promise. Otherwise they would not have forsaken monotheism and taken to the worship of the metal calf, while Moses was on Mount Sinai, by ignoring the fervent appeals of his Vicegerent Aaron not to indulge in such a cardinal sin.
The Zionists of our own days who claim to be Jews, but are actually of East European Khazar origin with no connection to the Semites of yesteryears, also do not believe in what Moses had foretold, or else they would not have set up the illegal entity called Israel, which is the source of all evil today, including the Takfiri terrorists.
Interestingly, the Takfiris who are currently terrorizing Syria and Iraq (up to the outskirts of Samarra where the Promised Mahdi (AS) was born and where his father and grandfather repose in peace), have scant regard for the words of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) regarding his Infallible Ahl al-Bayt.
If they were really Muslims as they claim, they would have heeded Allah's promise in the holy Qur'an of the Righteous inheriting the Earth – and not the bestial murderers, who exactly 7 solar years ago on this day had blown the two exquisite minarets of the Holy al-Askariyayn shrine in Samarra.
Thus the Ayah, which I have mentioned at the beginning of this column, is crystal clear. It is food for thought. It indicates that inheritance of the Earth is not for the tyrants, whether the Pharaohs of Egypt or the superpowers that rose and fell in various parts of the world, such as the Romans and the Americans of our own days.
No wonder, Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) – as is clear from numerous hadith mentioned by our Sunni brethren in their authentic books – said that even if a day were to remain for the end of the Earth, the Mahdi (AS) will surely reappear to establish the global government of peace, prosperity and justice.
Imam Mahdi (AS), whose mother, the Byzantine Emperor's granddaughter Lady Narjis (AS) – a direct descendant through her mother of Simon the loyal disciple of Prophet Jesus (AS) – will be assisted in his mission by the Messiah the Son of Mary (SA), and this factor will guide many Christians to embrace the truth of Islam.
Let us supplicate to God Almighty on the eve of the auspicious 15th of Sha'ban, the birthday of the Saviour of mankind (celebrated in the Islamic Republic of Iran as the Day of the Deprived), with what has been taught to the faithful by the Prophet's 6th Infallible Heir, Imam Ja'far as-Sadeq (AS):
"O Allah, for the sake of this night and for the sake of him who was born on it, Your testament and the promised Saviour– (by virtue of whose birth) You have added to its merit, thus fulfilling Your word, truly and justly: there is none who can change Your words or repeal Your signs. He is Your brilliant light, Your shining radiance, the banner of light in the pitch dark night, who is concealed and in occultation. Exalted is his birthday and honoured is his lineage. The angels are his assistants, and God is his Supporter and Protector, when the promised time comes the angels will be among his assistants. He is the sword of Allah that never misses its aim, and His light that never grows dim. He is the gentle one who never deviates. (The Imams are) the axis of the age, the spirits of the Time, the guardians of Divine sovereignty, the destinations of that which comes down in the Night of Ordainment, the superiors at Resurrection, the interpreters of His revelations, and the guardians of His commands and prohibitions. O Allah, bless their Seal and their Qa'em, who is concealed from their realms.
"O Allah, enable us to witness his days, his appearance and his rising, and appoint us to be among his helpers, avenging the martyrs alongside him. Write us among his supporters and dedicated friends; bring us to life in his reign, prosperous, enriched by his company, defending his cause, and secure from all ills, O Most Merciful of the merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds, and may His blessings be on our master, Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets and Envoys, and on his Progeny and Kindred, the truthful ones. (O God), may Your curse be on all oppressors! Judge between us and them, O fairest of all judges."
Courtesy – Kayhan International, Iran's English Language Daily

source : irib
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