Sunday 6th of October 2024
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Lessons from Hijab

The strategies of Islam on hijab have their roots in the explicit commandments and clear orders of the Almighty God in the Qur’an and divine words and impart to us the following points in describi
Lessons from Hijab

The strategies of Islam on hijab have their roots in the explicit commandments and clear orders of the Almighty God in the Qur’an and divine words and impart to us the following points in describing the philosophy of necessity of hijab:

1. Safety or security with all its aspects is seen as one of those issues that has been sufficiently taken into consideration in Islamic thoughts.  ‘Nudity’, which means no or bad covering in the society, may lead to horrible consequences such as make up, self-ornamentation, and coquettish behavior if it is underestimated or given little attention. It in turn causes men, especially young ones, to be exposed to constant nervous stimulation, inflammation and false excitement, which are ephemeral and transient. This excitement and inflammation is such that it may turn the individual into a mental patient and hence make him do such acts that may consequently become the source of other corruptions and sins; as some of the scientists have pointed out: “there is no critical incident in which a woman is not involved.”‌       

2. A very brief review of families’ attempts in different communities and the statistical review of the reasons behind ‘divorce’, this horrible phenomenon, sheds light on the point that violating family’s privacy, increasing nudity in human society, and disintegration of families consequently lead to bitter and heart-rending phenomenon of “children of divorce”‌‌.
In fact in the free market of nudity, at least in non-sexual stage, woman is seen as a ‘common good’, and marriage loses its sanctity and purity between the two people, who belong to each other, and every day men and women are entrapped by other men and women and hence their family life is weakened.

source : tebyan
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