Thursday 9th of May 2024
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Why Salaat is the best type of worship of God?

Why Salaat is the best type of worship of God?

According to Islamic teaching, the one who performs Salaat regularly avoids many of the bad deeds. Ayah 45 of Surah Al-Ankabut says: “Recite what is sent of the Book (the Quran) by way of revelation to you, and perform regular Salaat; for Salaat restrains from shameful and unjust deeds; and remembrance of Allah (SWT) is the greatest (deed in life) without doubt; and Allah (SWT) is aware of the (deeds) that you do”. Those who perform regular Salaat, avoid impurity in their internal and external appearances, they observe Halal and Haram in every aspects of their life and prayers, they are generous and recognise the rights of others in financial matters as mentioned in Ayahs 22-24 of Surah Al-Ma’arij.

source : shafaqna
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