Monday 7th of October 2024
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Satisfaction, Equals, Dignity

One of the companions of Imam Ali witnesses the cloak, which Imam Ali is wearing is very old and in poor condition and it is falling apart. Therefore, he tells Imam Ali, O’ master of the faithful, you are the caliph of Muslims and your cloak is in very poor condition. Why don’t you buy a new one and throw this one away? Imam Ali replies: I became the caliph and I only had this cloak and I am leaving my post with this only cloak as well. I don’t want people to say Ali used his position to buy fan
Satisfaction, Equals, Dignity

One of the companions of Imam Ali witnesses the cloak, which Imam Ali is wearing is very old and in poor condition and it is falling apart. Therefore, he tells Imam Ali, O’ master of the faithful, you are the caliph of Muslims and your cloak is in very poor condition. Why don’t you buy a new one and throw this one away? Imam Ali replies: I became the caliph and I only had this cloak and I am leaving my post with this only cloak as well. I don’t want people to say Ali used his position to buy fancy and new cloths for himself, when there is a possibility that I have needy man/women in my state.
Without pointing fingers, I must say the closet of many state leaders and officials cannot hold the expensive suits and clothing they keep buying, when there are homeless people in their nations.

source : sibtayn
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