Saturday 29th of June 2024
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Goodness of dates

Goodness of dates

Dates considered a blessed fruit are especially consumed during the Holy Month of Ramadan. It is not only a custom to have dates during this holy month, but also a delightful and delicious fruit to eat.



It is recommended to start Iftar by eating 2-3 dates, as it provides the body with sugar, helping restore low blood sugar after fasting all day. One of the most common reasons for headaches or dizziness during Ramadan is low blood sugar, which is why eating dates is very beneficial at the start of Iftar.


What are the benefits of dates?


  • Provide vitality: being rich in calories and sugar (80% of the date is made of sugar), as well as being easily digested and absorbed, they provide you with an immediate source of energy
  • Rich in essential nutrients: dates contain 6 vitamins and 15 minerals and are especially rich in calcium, phosphorous, iron, magnesium and potassium
  • Full of fibre: this facilitates digestion and moderates bowl function, helping prevent constipation
  • Heart healthy: they have only traces of fat, are cholesterol free and can be consumed by all members of your family


Did you know?


You need to consume about 2-4 servings of fruits per day.


2-3 pieces of dates are considered as one fruit serving and contain about 70 calories!


Another way to add dates to your balanced diet is to incorporate them into your sweet recipes, this way you will replace some of the sugar as dates are naturally sweet and tasty.

source : rafed.net
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