Sunday 16th of June 2024
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Imam Hussein says to Allah in the desert of Arafat:

Imam Hussein says to Allah in the desert of Arafat:

Imam Hussein says to Allah in the desert of Arafat:

Oh my Lord if I try for centuries and epochs and if I live this long enough to thank you for one of the blessings I am granted ,I wont be able to unless with your help and attention which this itself is of another thank and appreciation.

The Allah’s servant not only are unable appreciate the blessings, but sometimes are unaware of the existence of blessings as well.they see and pay attention to what they don’t have rather than what they really have.

Abu Hashim Ja'fari narrates that:

I was poverty stricken for a while so I went to see Imam Hadi (a.s) and asked for his permission, he let me in, and when I sat down he said:oh Abu Hashim which of the blessings of Allah that you are given do you want to be grateful for? At that time I looked down and kept silent because I did not know what to say in his answer, so he began to speak, and said: faith has been bestowed upon you by Allh Amighty, therefore, your body was forbidden from fire in hell and you were granted the health, therefor you were aided in his worship and you were blessed with contentment, therefor, you were protected from disgrace by him. Oh Abu Hashim, I assumed you were going to complain about some one who has treated you like this that’s why I commenced talking to you like that.i have just ordered to give you one hundred Dinar so take them.

source : erfan.ir
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