Saturday 29th of June 2024
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Description of pious people

Description of pious people

Imam Ali (AS) said: Verily, I am one of those people who is not afraid of any disapproval in the way of Allah (SWT); those whose faces are the faces of the honest ones, and their words are the words of the righteous ones; they are awake during the night (worshipping God) and shine during the day; they seek refuge in the Quran, and keep alive the traditions of God and the Prophet (PBUH); they do not have any vanity or selfishness (in them), and they do not seek superiority over anyone; they are neither traitors nor commit corrupt deeds on earth; their hearts are in paradise, and their bodies engaged in good deeds [1].

[1] Nahjul Balaghah, Sermon 192.

source : shafaqna.com
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