Sunday 30th of June 2024
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Real Shia according to Imam Hassan Askari (AS)

Real Shia according to Imam Hassan Askari (AS)

It is narrated from Imam Hassan Askari (AS) who said: I advise you to Divine Piety, devotion towards religion, strive in the way of Allah (SWT), and tell the truth, return to its rightful owner whatever given to you to keep in trust, whether the owner is good or bad [1]. In another narration (Hadith), Imam Askari (AS) said: Fear God and be a credit to us (Ahlul Bait (AS)), and do not embarrass us, attract others friendships towards us, and repel anything bad from us; because anything good which others relate to us, we belong to that, and anything bad they say about us, we are far away from it [2]. In another narration, Imam Askari (AS) said: Truly, any of you who is devoted towards his/her religion, and is truthful, and returns to its rightful owner anything which is given in trust, and has good behaviour towards people, in a way that others say: He/she is a real Shia, this makes me happy and satisfied [3].

[1] Beharul Anwaar, Vol. 75, Page 372.

[2] As Above.

[3] As Above

source : shafaqna.com
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