Sunday 22nd of December 2024
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An Important Question from the Advocates of Human Rights

Today, centuries after the advent of Islam, when the story of Imam Ali’s justice – even in treating his enemies – echoes in the history of mankind, there comes a question to the mind: What is the real human right? The divine manner of Alavi (attributed to Imam Ali) human rights, or the Western model? Is the precept of the Commander of Shia Muslims coming from monotheistic religion of Islam the real human right, or what the Western colony justifies massacre of innocent men, women and children in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Palestine and other lands on Earth by virtue of human rights? They support mercenaries of the Zionists, like Wahabis, and the evil groups of terror like Taliban, Al-Qaida, ISIL, The Al-Nusra Front, Boko Haram, … Don’t they put on display their satanic nature by these terrorist groups and at the same time try to mar the face of pure Muhammadan and Alavi Islam? Today, it is a question asked from the claimants of human rights by history, although there is no convincing response coming from them.

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